Sichuan guy Xinjiang Dream: Selling Akzut's production to all parts of the country Time:2022.09.06

Pomegranate/Xinjiang Daily Correspondent Zhao Xia

He Xiaodong, 25 years old, a Sichuan guy. After graduating from Xinjiang Institute of Technology last year, he stayed in his love Aksu. For the fledgling, he worked hard with like -minded friends, and sold Akst to all parts of the country with the energy of newborn calves.

He Xiaodong checked the information at the library of Xinjiang Institute of Technology. Photo by Zhao Xia

"Before the age of 12, my parents and I lived in Xinjiang. After the age of 12, the family moved to Sichuan. Later, I chose to go to Xinjiang to go to college." On August 29, He Xiaodong said that the world is vast and there are preferential policies here. Help him dream. He felt that he belonged here.

He Xiaodong's parents are doing business. After graduating from high school, due to his parents, he bought a tricycle and set up a barbecue stall at the door of the house. In just one month, his income was tens of thousands of yuan, which made him taste sweet for the first time.

In 2017, He Xiaodong was admitted to Xinjiang Institute of Technology and studied in business management. During the school, he actively participated in various community activities and cooperated with the teacher to do various work.

"He has his own ideas and the spirit of love. I pulled him to start a few times. He rejected me on the grounds that he had no time". "He Xiaodong's classmate Wang Bo said.

Senior, for college students, is a critical moment for entrepreneurship and employment. After 3 years of precipitation, He Xiaodong followed his dream and took the first step in entrepreneurship and applied for a one -sex entrepreneurial subsidy of 5,000 yuan.

Human resources, live broadcasts, tourism promotion ... From running markets, fixed goals, to selected projects, He Xiaodong and his classmates all ran through the corner of Aksu's corner, investigating the actual operability of all the alternative projects. In the end, a company was established.

All beginnings are hard. Last year, He Xiaodong's company undertaken a project and failed to do it for a variety of reasons. After paying the cost of manpower and materials, the company was in a dilemma.

"Son, how is it recently? Take care of your body."

"I'm okay, the business is booming." The real situation is that at this time, He Xiaodong at this time, all the funds were less than 400 yuan.

"Okay, I'm busy, hanging." Hearing his parents' care, He Xiaodong's tears kept rotating in his eyes. In order to prevent his parents from seeing his embarrassment, he hurriedly hung up the phone and looked at the rice and pickles on the table. He cried like a child.

"Because you can't afford the salary of the employee, the team will dissolve." He Xiaodong said that what he likes and the way he chooses must persist.

Although the road is far away, the line is coming; although it is difficult, it will be done. At this time, He Xiaodong's main promotion of WeChat mini -programs "Xinjiang Yi Preferred" gradually improved.

In addition to the products such as campus culture and creativity, agricultural special products such as Apple, Mulberry, and Seabuckthorn pulp are selling well online.

"The walnut skin is thin and thick, it will be broken as soon as it is pinched, it is so delicious."

"The mulberry is full of dry particles, sweet and sour, suitable for all ages."


In the comment area, netizens' good reviews from all over the country. This is undoubtedly the biggest motivation for He Xiaodong. He Xiaodong said: "All special products have been carefully selected by us. After the customer has better feedback, we open the market."

"In the future, I hope that through our efforts, we will vigorously promote Aksu's customs, historical culture, agricultural products, etc., so that more people like Aksu." He Xiaodong said.

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