Shaoyang Retired Military Affairs Bureau: The "Lianxin Bridge" for entrepreneurship and employment for retired soldiers and enterprises

Author:Shaoyang City Daily Time:2022.09.06

本报讯(通讯员杨松华)“已解决500 人就业,现在岗190 人,下一步计划再增加30 人左右。”“已解决300 人就业,下一步计划增加200 人。” 9月2日,市The Symposium on Employment and Entrepreneurship of Retired Military Employment is held. This is the scene of the employment and entrepreneurial service promotion service promotion service promotion service promotion service promotion service promotion service promotion service promotion service promotion service promotion service association and the person in charge of various councils in Hunan Province.

"Employment and entrepreneurship of retired soldiers is a major event. The Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government attach great importance to this work and hold a symposium on employment and entrepreneurship of retired soldiers. It aims to build a platform for employment of retired soldiers to help them better employment and entrepreneurship." Liao Hongzhan, a member of the Party Group and Deputy Director, introduced that the veterans of the autumn veterans returned to the country one after another. Leaders at the deputy department level or above are divided into 5 working groups to lead the team to understand the demand for retired soldiers in various companies in the city, and plan a special recruitment fair for the "100 Enterprises and Thousands of Thousands, Thousands of Thousands, Thousands, Thousands, Thousands, Thousands, Thousands, and Thousands. At present, more than 120 enterprises in Shaoyang will provide more than 4,000 jobs in the city's retired soldiers, of which the city's retired soldiers' employment and entrepreneurship service promotion service and various director units will provide not less than 400 jobs.

Since the beginning of this year, the Shaoyang Retired Military Affairs Bureau has thoroughly studied the requirements and decision -making deployment of the Party Central Committee, the State Council, the Provincial Party Committee and the Provincial Government, the Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government on the stability of market entities and employment to stabilize employment. Important measures to stabilize market subjects and employment have always been responsible and feelings, serving retired soldiers wholeheartedly, and sincerely solve their problems for them. Continue to work hard at work, try to promote the employment of retired soldiers, perform "point -to -point" precise push, "face -to -face" policy interpretation of "online+offline" combination, "one -on -one" follow -up visit, timely accept the business of retired soldiers' business Consultation and tax -related demands, truly achieve timely policies, rapid preferential enjoyment, immediately solve the problem of difficulty, and the problem. The city held more than 20 special recruitment fairs for various online and offline retired soldiers, and more than 600 companies participated, providing more than 6,000 positions, and more than 450 retired soldiers signed an employment (intention) agreement with the enterprise.

Thousands of ways to solve the problems and try to find employment. Special recruitment is only to solve the corner of the iceberg of retired soldiers' employment and entrepreneurship. In recent years, in order to solve the employment and entrepreneurship of retired soldiers, the Municipal Retired Military Affairs Bureau has made every effort to establish the "education platform, incubation platform, and recruitment platform", do a good job of "six stability" work, implement the "six guarantee" tasks, improve the task Retired soldiers with high quality employment and entrepreneurship. By establishing a tracking ledger, timely grasp the current status and employment intention of retired soldiers and entrepreneurship. Related tax preferential policies, register for enterprises that intend to absorb retired soldiers and companies with upstream and downstream cooperation intentions, set up "Lianxin Bridge" for retired soldiers and enterprises, and achieve corporate retired soldiers and enterprises. Win -win cooperation.

It is understood that in the next step, the Municipal Retired Military Affairs Bureau will continue to pay attention to coordinating coordination, in -depth contact enterprises, strengthening job mining, doing a good job of tracking accounting, establishing a long -term use mechanism with enterprises, and employment in employment of corporate positions and retired soldiers professional expertise. The entrepreneurial platform is efficiently connected, promoting the city's retired soldiers to be more fully employed, higher -quality employment, and truly enhance the sense of gain, honor, and happiness of retired soldiers. At the same time, actively guide retired soldiers Twenty victories held contributions.

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