Xi'an fancy promotion "double carbon" knowledge

Author:Xi'an released Time:2022.09.06

Knowledge science, awards, videos of the street ... Recently, Xi'an has promoted the popularization of "carbon peak carbon neutralization" knowledge through various forms, and advocated the public to consciously practice simple and moderate, green and low -carbon lifestyle. Drop energy saving and emission reduction in life help achieve the goal of "carbon peak carbon neutrality".

Xi'an Ecological and Environment Bureau and Xi'an Comprehensive Command Center of Xi'an City, through the "Xi'an Ecological Environment" WeChat public account, Weibo and other government affairs new media platforms, continuously release the "carbon peak carbon neutralization" series of popular science knowledge every day, and staged Carry out online publicity and interactive activities. Through the daily learning knowledge, the majority of netizens participated in the award -winning activities, and all answered the correct netizens won prizes such as clear rain and rain umbrellas, portable water cups.

Offline, the staff interviewed the citizens through the street "Do you pay attention to carbon emissions when buying clothes?" "What are the tips on the low -carbon dressing you know?" "Can the meal disc?" "What is low? Carbon? "In the interaction of" one question, one answer ", let the public understand more about the" double carbon "knowledge around them, and then enhance the awareness of carbon reduction. The content of street interviews was produced into short videos, which was widely disseminated on the new media platforms of various government affairs, and expanded its influence.

In the "Environmental Protection Flying Chess" game interactive activities organized by the Xi'an Ecological Environment Bureau High -tech Branch, the staff asked the participants to obtain questions or tests based on the number of dice points, and answered the question to complete the challenge ... In a laughter, everyone "doubles Carbon's attention and sense of participation are stronger. The "Ecological Environmental Protection Class" activity carried out to elementary school students in the ecological environment of Zhou Zhixian County. Through storytelling stories, watching promotional videos, and asking questions and interaction, it is encouraged to start from now on, starting with small things such as green and low -carbon travel. Carbon reduction.

Text: Gao Le, a full media reporter from Xi'an Newspaper

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