The "micro -lecture" of Kenli District in the fierce neighbor district allows the spirit of the party to fly into the home of ordinary people

Author:Kenli District Rong Media Cent Time:2022.06.20

In order to thoroughly study and implement the spirit of the twelfth party congress of Shandong Province, and to unify the mind and action into the spirit of the party congress, set off a wave of learning and implementation of the spirit of the party congress, the party branch of the Kangli Community of Kenli Street organized retirement veteran cadres Entering the community to carry out the preaching activities of "the spirit of the party's congress enter the community and convey the party's good voice". In the form of micro -preaching, the spirit of the 12th Party Congress of the Provincial Congress reaches the home of every resident, so as to be well -known and in mind.

In the new era of Kangli Street Kangju Community, a civilized practice in the new era, the community lecturer Wang Jianxin uses the ground -ground language and combines the changes in the community to preach the spirit of the Provincial Party Congress to the party members and the masses, interpret new measures related to everyone, and closely related to everyone. New plan. From time to time, applause sounded, residents talked about the changes in life, and were full of confidence and longing for the future.

"In the past five years, the overall maintenance of the damaged road in our community, the neighborhood square, the elderly activity room, and the entertainment venues in the community are being updated. Looking forward to. "Liang Ji'an, resident of Kangju Community, felt.

"As a young party member of the community, the spirit of the twelfth party congress of the province was inspiring and sounded the horn of forward. Entering the home of ordinary people. "Wang Li, a young party member, said.

In the future, the Kenlikham community will effectively play the role of the grass -roots party organization's fighting fortress, and organize the members of the "Kenlie Lecture" preaching team to use micro -lectures, centralized sciences, online and offline flexible studies to effectively carry out the "Chinese Dream · New era · New journey "to preach the theme of the theme, to give the 12th Party Congress spirituality, practical, and thoroughly in the spirit of the Provincial Congress, so that the spirit of the party congress to the people's hearts, thinking about the practical actions of private practices and solving problems, and solving problems. Practice the spirit of the report and welcome the 20th National Congress with excellent results.

(Produced by Kenli District Rong Media Center)

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