Negative oxygen ions are high!Ningbo Wild Zoo becomes "China Natural Oxygen Bar"

The top international journal Advanced Materials published the results of Professor Hu Ning's team: "Ceramic Medium -high Concentration ion Gel" solid electrolyte help high -pressure lithium metal battery

Recently, the team of Professor Hu Ning has achieved new research results in the f...

Lithium price rises "high climbing" sodium battery is cost -effective to meet opportunities

19SEPExperts said that the development of sodium ion batteries is still in the ear...

Lithium price rises "high climbing" sodium battery is cost -effective to meet opportunities

At present, the supply of lithium resources is facing bottlenecks, and lithium pri...

Lithium price rises "high climbing" sodium battery is cost -effective to meet opportunities

At present, the supply of lithium resources is facing bottlenecks, and lithium prices are high. Theoretically, the lithium battery alternative with cost advantages -sodium ion batteries has received

Lithium price rises "high climbing" sodium battery is cost -effective to meet opportunities

At present, the supply of lithium resources is facing bottlenecks, and lithium pri...

Progress | Big data reveals the structure similarity of the transitional metal ions

Understanding the structure of the structure-materiality from the atomic scale is ...

What is the sodium ion battery?She finally finds how

The Nobel Prize in 2019 awarded the Sanjie of Lithium Battery to affirm that they ...

This kind of seasoning is easier than eating sugar!Still hurt the brain, hurt bones ...

Seasoning is indispensable in our lives, especially salt, which is called the king...

Want to learn chemistry?Take it, high school chemistry knowledge list (compulsory one)

Want to learn chemistry? This is a must! Take it, don't thank you.1 How to prepare...

Borrowing Dongfeng, Xinghan South, Ma Yinghe Health Alliance joined hands with "323"

The Yangtze River Daily Da Wuhan Client July 13th. On the afternoon of July 12, the Ma Yinghe Health Alliance and the 323 meeting was held at the Wuhan University People's Hospital. It is understood..

At the age of 40, calcium supplementation, too early?Doctor: I should start supplementing at the age of 30. I recommend 4 kinds of food

The calcium ions in our body have always maintained a dynamic balance. Whether it ...