alert!Pay attention to food safety of campus in autumn

Author:Xi'an Daily Time:2022.09.06

According to Shaanxi Province's food -oriented disease monitoring data, September is the high incidence of school food -based diseases. The new semester has begun. For the autumn school season, Shaanxi Disease Control and Control reminds campus food safety:

1. Schools should implement food safety responsibilities in place. Maintenance, maintenance, cleaning, disinfection, and cleaning of related places, facilities and meals in accordance with regulations; comprehensively check the food, food additives and food -related products in the warehouse and processing places, clean up and do unqualified items such as expired and metamorphic, and make them in time. Good registration to prevent food ingredients with long -lasting time and expired metamorphosis; check whether frozen and refrigerated ingredients meet the requirements of storage temperature, whether it is super -guarantee or spoiled; strengthen the health monitoring and daily management of employees; call food in time to call foods in time Safety administrators and employees train food safety knowledge

2. The "Regulations for the Management of School Food Safety and Nutrition Health" requires that primary and secondary schools and kindergarten canteens do not make cold croissant foods, raw food foods, decorative cakes, and must not process and make four seasons beans, fresh lily, wild mushrooms, germination potatoes, etc. High -risk food.

3. According to the requirements of the Ministry of Education's "Compulsory Education Labor Curriculum Standards (2022 Edition)", students participate in family cooking labor, master the ability to cook and cook, but also design nutritional recipes to develop good eating habits.

▲ Pay attention to wash your hands frequently. You must wash your hands before meals. Three "foods and expired foods to reduce the risk of" disease from the mouth ".

▲ Daily diet is balanced. Parents and schools should pay attention to students' three meals a day, grains, meat, eggs, dairy products and fresh vegetables, fruits, etc., and fully ensure the full intake of energy, high -quality protein and dietary fiber.

▲ Three meals a day, regular quantitative and diet. You can eat a small amount of snacks between the two meals, and choose a clean and nutritious food as a snack.

▲ Light diet, non -picky eaters, do not overeating, eat less foods containing high salt, high sugar and high fat, and develop a healthy diet.

▲ Continuously improve students' food safety awareness and health literacy; understand different ingredients, understand their selection methods, preservation conditions, shelf life and processing methods; develop good personal hygiene habits.

Source: starting point news

Edit: Xiaolu

Review: Chu Mo, Wenyue

Produced: Xi'an Newspaper Media Group

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