Sichuan Luding Earthquake: In the first round of the earthquake and earthquake -stricken area, more than 200 hidden dangers were investigated.

Author:Cover news Time:2022.09.06

Cover Journalist Tian Zhi Road

Since the Luding earthquake in Sichuan, the Provincial Geological Bureau, the Provincial Geological Survey and Research Institute, and the Provincial Natural Resources Investment Group have finger finger and form a joint force, give full play to their professional advantages, make a good investigation of hidden dangers of geological disasters in the earthquake area, and be the lives of the people in the disaster area. Guardian of property.

After arriving at the earthquake area on September 5th, Wu Ding, director of the Sichuan Provincial Land and Mining Bureau, participated in the first meeting of the work group in front of the provincial disaster command headquarters hosted by Sun Jianjun, the director of the Sichuan Provincial Department of Natural Resources, and convened to participate in emergency emergency The units of the rescue bureau arranged the deployment tasks to ensure that the first round of hidden dangers of geological disasters was completed by the first round of the geological disaster in the seismic area by 24:00 on September 7.

Since the earthquake, the 12 professional teams of the Sichuan Provincial Geological Bureau rushed to the disaster area and participated in the "9 · 5" earthquake geological disasters organized by the Ganzi Prefecture Natural Resources and Planning Bureau. Make every effort to conduct investigation of hidden dangers of the ground, and strive to minimize the threat of earthquake -second geological disasters on the lives and property of the people.

According to incomplete statistics, Ganzi Prefecture, Luding County, Kangding City, Jiulong County, Yajiang County, Ya'an City, Tianquan County, Langjing County, Hanyuan County, Ganzi Prefecture, Ganzi Prefecture, Ganzi Prefecture, Ganzi Prefecture, Kangjing County, Yajing County A total of more than 230 people in 10 counties (cities) in Ganluo County and Mianning County, Liangshan Prefecture, and Mianning County, have completed more than 220 hidden dangers.

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