Foreign passengers who stay in the hotel, good shop owner to highlight the temperature of Xiuyan

Author:Anshan Cloud Time:2022.09.07

On August 31, Liu Jun, who lives in the Manchu Autonomous County of Kuandian, went to Xiuyan to work. However, the sudden epidemic caused the county to implement static management. Liu Jun and six other foreign passengers were reluctant to stay at the Xiuyan Hongzhang Hotel.

Several people are unfamiliar with the local area and have not been prepared for long -term living in the field, let alone when the local static management can be lifted. For this reason, several people are unsatisfactory and their moods are becoming more anxious.

When the hotel owner Li Jing learned about the situation, he extended a helping hand under the premise of strictly in accordance with the requirements of Xiuyan's epidemic prevention and control, which not only reduced some of the rent for them and allowed them to live with peace of mind, but also provided them with free meals. And sincerely explained to them, because of the epidemic cause, the ingredients in the store were insufficient. Although they were not rich enough, they were enough to fill their stomachs. This series of heartwarming moves makes foreign visitors such as Liu Jun very warm, and truly feel the simple, sincere, enthusiastic, and kind quality of the Xiuyan people.

Foreign travelers who stayed in the stores and other stores said that they must fully cooperate with the policy requirements of the Xiuyan epidemic prevention and control work, wait for the epidemic, and live up to the temperature of Xiuyan. Zhang Shuyuan All Media Reporter Zhao Yuze

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