Keqi Universe Town: Fen Cultivation Study at the grassroots government service hard chassis

Author:Drunk Beauty Kashketeng Time:2022.09.07

In order to further deepen the reform of the "decentralization service", continue to optimize the business environment, and improve the standardization and facilitation level of grass -roots government services, the party and mass service center of the Cosmopolitan Town Town of Kishketen Banner actively act, so that the decentralization matters can "take over and do it. "Good", "empowerment" and "undertaking" are seamlessly connected.

Optimize the construction of the "main position" window to speed up

Cosmic Town Party and Mass Service Center adheres to the service purpose of "efficient, benefiting enterprises, and convenience", and in accordance with the work idea of ​​"run at most once", reasonably plan and set up a comprehensive acceptance window for different differences. "Specialist acceptance" has changed to "accepted by the whole department", and the masses' transitions from "multi -window inquiry" to "one window settlement" have reduced the dilemma of the "multi -run" of the people. Since the beginning of this year, the comprehensive service window of the Cosmic Town Party and Mass Service Center has served 1,591 people with a total of 1,591 people, with 1,591 acceptance items, of which 1416 were handled, 175 were forgiven, and the number of "returned" of service objects was reduced, increasing The administrative approval efficiency of the window unit.

It is more convenient to lay "high -speed roads" smart government affairs

Relying on the mobile software of "Mongolian Speed" and "Mongolian Enterprise", actively open up data barriers, realize data sharing, and provide intelligent services for enterprises and convenience services. Relying on the autonomous region integrated government service platform, the business processing system is connected to the party and mass service centers, and actively promotes the construction of the "One Netcom Office" system of 5 -level government services. A variety of measures to strengthen the download rate and usage rate of the Town residents' Mongolian APP "APP. The rate reaches 51.06%. The efficient application of self -service facilities and mobile software has laid high -speed roads for smart government affairs to make government services more effective.

Light up the "front light" convenience service to the people's hearts

In order to further provide an efficient and convenient government service environment, the Cosmic Party and Mass Service Center has set up a convenient service area, set up a missing part of the property, and provides intimate services for the masses from a bit. Implement the delay service model of "morning and evening elasticity, uninterrupted at noon, and not resting on weekends", give full play to the advantages of comprehensive windows, continue to receive the people of services without interruption, and break the time and space restrictions of work. Set up volunteer service stations, and arrange volunteers to provide guidance, consultation and other services on the spot to make the service more intimate and light up the front lights of convenience services.

The Party and Mass Service Center of the Cosmopolitan Town of Kesh Katten adheres to the principles of standardization, standardization, and facilitation. Government business cards extend the tentacles of grass -roots government services longer and farther.

Correspondent: Yang Yang

Editor: Li Feifei

Nuclear trial: Li Jingyan

Source: Drunk Mei Kishketeng

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