The most in the 8th year of the Mid -Autumn Festival this year, you can also enjoy Jupiter with the month

Author:Guangzhou Daily Time:2022.09.07

"Lu Congbai is tonight, the moon is the hometown." This year's Mid -Autumn Festival also appeared in Bai Lu's solar terms as last year. During the Mid -Autumn Festival this year, you can not only enjoy the brightest Mid -Autumn Festival in the past 8 years, but also the Jupiter's accompanying moon.

Data map: Full moon. (Photo by Li Jianji)

Mid -Autumn Festival Monthly the largest time at 17:59 on September 10th

September 10 this year is Teacher's Day and the Mid -Autumn Festival. The next Teacher's Day and the Mid -Autumn Festival will occur on the same day and will appear in 2041. According to reports, this year's Mid -Autumn Festival is the brightest in 8 years. The reason is that on the eve of the Mid -Autumn Festival, at 2:19 on September 8th, the moon is close to the place, closest to the earth, only 36,4563 kilometers, and the moon has the largest diameter. This year's Mid -Autumn Festival is the brightest Mid -Autumn Festival since 2014.

The most round time of the Mid -Autumn Festival this year occurred at 17:59 (hoped) on September 10th. Most of the regions of my country could not see the most round Mid -Autumn Festival. Only the eastern region of Heilongjiang Province has the opportunity to see the most round Mid -Autumn Festival. The month of the Mid -Mid -Autumn Festival: Raohe County, Heilongjiang Province was 17:47; Funyuan City was 17:48.

Moon and Jupiter's dazzling eyes

During the Mid -Autumn Festival this year, people can enjoy Jupiter's accompanying moon. At the night of chasing the moon (September 11), at 23:17, Jupiter of the "Eight Planets" appeared on the same meridian as the moon. The visual brightness is the crown of 12 years, dazzling. Jupiter in the north of the moon, the brightness reaches 2.9 stars, etc. The moon and Jupiter become the brightest celestial body of the night.

Three consecutive years "Fifteenth Moon Fifteenth Fifteen Circles"

This year's Mid -Autumn Festival will be "Fifteen Moon Fifteen Circles". Astronomical data shows that the Mid -Autumn Festival, from 2021 to 2023, all the fifteen circles of the fifteenth moon; from 2024 to 2025, the fifteen moon sixteen circles; 2026 is the fifteen moon, the seventeen circle of the fifteenth ; From 2027 to 2029, the fifteenth moon was sixteen. From 2030 to 2032, the fifteenth day of the fifteen moon was all. This is the roundest cycle of the Mid -Autumn Festival.

In the early morning of September 11

During the Mid -Autumn Festival, the time procedure can be divided into the lunar calendar "August 14th, the fifteenth month, and the sixteen chase of the month" for three consecutive days.

During the Mid -Autumn Festival, the time of the three consecutive months in Guangzhou was: September 9th (Yingyue Night) at 23:54, the horizon height of 53 °; September 11 (Monthly Night) ; September 12 (Chasing Moon Night) at 1:32, a horizon height of 66 °.

In Guangzhou, at 18:48 on the Mid -Autumn Festival, the moon's horizon rising in the southern part of the east; at 0.44 am the next day, the moon was the highest on the moon, the horizon height was 59 °, the moonlight passed through the light, and the moonlight passed through the light. The thinnest atmosphere, and the moon is located in the direction of Zhengnan, becoming a veritable "compass" (see the show of the moon in the moon). At 6:46, the moon fell slowly in the horizon of the south of the West.

The Mid -Autumn Festival Night Monthly Middle Significance, Li Xuyan draws

Text/Guangzhou Daily · Xinhuacheng Reporter: Yakas Correspondent: Li Jianji Guangzhou Daily · Xinhuacheng Editor: Long Chengliu

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