Wu Zhong: Cyber Security Knowledge Entering Classroom

Author:Wu Zhong released Time:2022.09.07

Source: Wu Zhongwang

On September 6, the third primary school of Litong District held a live network security knowledge live broadcast lesson in "Internet Knight of High School Security". Through the way of entertaining, students were guided to enhance the awareness of network security.

The theme of the Cyber ​​Security Publicity Week this year is: network security is the people, and network security depends on the people. In order to better help teachers and students understand and perceive the network security risks around them, enhance the awareness of network security, and guide young people to access the Internet. Our city's education system through the "1+N" network security knowledge lectures and public courses, education and guidance guide all teachers and students to improve their own network security awareness and do a good job of cybersecurity prevention measures for themselves and surrounding people.

The live broadcast class adopts an interactive way to allow students to explain how to prevent fraud, remind family members who do not believe in unknown calls and information, do not click on the network link, do not remit money, transfer to strangers, etc. Dangdang deceived. Through various forms of network security education and propaganda activities, it has effectively promoted the development of green internet, civilized Internet consciousness and good habits of teachers and students.

Ding Zihan, a student of the third primary school of Litong District, said: "Through network security learning, I know that in daily life, we must develop good learning habits. We must improve the correct analysis and judgment ability, good behavior habits From the correctness of behavior. Knowing which are right and which are wrong, choose the correct way of behavior as your own behavior. "

"Through today's study, I deeply know that although the network has entered all aspects of our lives and learning, the network is a virtual world after all. We must prevent various network traps and earnestly study the" Cyber ​​Security Law 》, Be a good student of civilized Internet access. "Said Xiong Yatong, a student in the third primary school of Litong District. (Reporter Zhang Jianhua)

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