Nanyang City further regulates the insurance payment behavior of various insured units at the city level

Author:Nanyang Daily Time:2022.09.07

On September 6, the reporter learned from the Municipal Social Pension Insurance Administration that in accordance with the "Notice on Regulating the Payment of Social Insurance Insurance Insurance Payment", "Notice on Further Regulating the Registration of Work Insurance Insurance Registration of Work Insurance Insurance" in Henan Provincial Social Insurance Center In our city, the city's participating units in the city's participants will be further standardized to effectively safeguard the social insurance rights and interests of employees.

From now on, the insured unit at the municipal level is stopped in the form of a separate work injury insurance for employees to handle new insurance registration business. When applying for work injury insurance for employees for employees, participating enterprises shall handle employee pension insurance and unemployment insurance registration. Enterprises that have already participated in the insurance payment at this municipal level, if there are employees who have single -paragraph work injury insurance, they should participate in the employee employee endowment insurance and unemployment insurance. The municipal insurance units must handle employees for employees' endowment insurance and unemployment insurance for employees who are single -paragraph work injury insurance before September 25. For units that have not been handled in the deadline, the employees of their affiliated will not be able to enjoy work injury insurance benefits normally, and the unit will be borne by themselves.

Employees who apply for insurance registration are participating in employee endowment insurance in other province's other social security agencies and are in the state of insurance payment. After the background staff automatically checks through the social security information system, they can continue to apply for work injury insurance; If registered employees participating in employee pension insurance in other provinces, the insurance enterprises need to provide a certificate of payment issued by other provinces' social security agencies, and after reviewing by the municipal staff, they will continue to participate in work injury insurance.

In accordance with relevant regulations, institutions and institutions can hold the procedures for the transfer of military, new recruitment or work mobilization, and register for work injury insurance participation.

Each participating enterprise should attach great importance to it, strictly accordance with the national and our province's policies to handle social insurance registration registration for employees, timely provide employees 'payment certificates for employees' pension insurance in other provinces, pay social insurance premiums in full and time, and effectively maintain them. Various social insurance rights of good employees.

Reporter Cao Rui

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