Mao Ning: China thanks to the international community for expressing condolences for the Luding earthquake

Author:Foreign Ministry spokesman's Time:2022.09.07


"The Office of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs" reported that at the regular press conference of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on September 7, a reporter from Hubei Radio and Television asked: We noticed that the earthquake in Luding County, Ganzi Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture, Sichuan Province, caused the international community's attention. Many countries expressed condolences to China. What are the comments by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs?


Mao Ning: Since the earthquake in Luding in Sichuan on September 5, many countries such as Russia and other countries have expressed condolences to the Chinese side in various ways and are willing to provide support and help to China Earthquake relief. We express my heartfelt thanks to this.

The Chinese government is working hard to carry out earthquake relief. Various rescue forces have rushed to the disaster area for the first time. They are trying their best to search and rescue people, treat the injured, properly arrange the affected people, and repair the infrastructure of the affected areas. We are confident to defeat the disaster and rebuild a beautiful home for the people in the disaster area.

Foreign Ministry spokesman's office

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