The Net Security Brigade actively organizes the 2022 Cyber Security Publicity Week activity

Author:Folk Public Security Time:2022.09.07

On the morning of September 5th, the Internet Security Brigade of the Minle County Public Security Bureau closely focused on the theme of "network security is the people, network security depends on the people."

The event was led by the County Public Security Bureau's Net Security Brigade and the County Network Information Office.

During the propaganda activities, the civilian auxiliary police, through on -site explanations, distributed propaganda materials, and placed propaganda exhibition boards, etc., to publicize the network security law, cybersecurity prevention measures, prevent telecommunications fraud, resist online rumors, discern the Internet falsely Information, protecting personal privacy and other laws and regulations. At the same time, the importance of network security and the necessity of preventing network security traps remind everyone to prevent online security issues such as personal information loss, and guide the majority of Internet users to establish a sense of network security, advocate the general public in accordance with the law of civilization, and establish network security Prevention consciousness.

Through this publicity activity, the masses have given more understanding of network security, further popularize the knowledge of network security, enhance the awareness of cybersecurity prevention of the general public, and create a good atmosphere of online, civilized Internet access, and secure Internet access.

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