Difficulty with the Communist Party, watching each other, helping Pakistan Railway Kunming, we are acting

Author:Changde All -Media Time:2022.09.07

Recently, Ma Liming, an outstanding international designer in China in Yunnan Kunming, initiated the launch of the "Care Pakistani Love Donation, Donation of us" and united; Leyuan, Chenglianjin, Li Hongwei, Ye Yufeng, Li Qing, Feng Fengmei, Lu Yuntao, Yu Chenglong, Yu Chenglong, Yu Chenglong Waiting for Yunnan designers, entrepreneurs and social caring people to launch this love donation activity together.

Pakistan's "as a Chinese all -weather strategic partner and a hardcore friend" during a natural disaster in China, Pakistan has repeatedly devoted himself to the country to present his love for the Chinese nation.

Figure/Zhong · Mali Liming Zuo Leduanye Rong Chengjin and other promoters donated the launch meeting.

It is understood that the aid Pakatan Railway Love Donation and We contacted the Pakistani Embassy in China in the Action Organizing Committee. From September 1st, the love donation activity was conducted for the Pakistani floods and floods. By September 18, all donations will be in Beijing The Pakistani Embassy in China was transferred.

This event has been strongly supported by the International Exchange Working Committee of the China Service Fair. At present, a total of more than a hundred donations have exceeded 100,000 yuan, and they have done their best to carry forward the fine traditions of the Chinese nation.

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