Chengdu Net Rotor Establishment Transportation Guarantee Team: Free to pick up epidemic prevention personnel, transportation materials, transfer samples [Qi Xin war into Chengdu can do]

Author:Cover news Time:2022.09.07

Cover Journalist Yang Bo

On September 6, the reporter learned from the Chengdu Network Appointment Taxi Association that in order to help the emergency state of the epidemic prevention and control and play the role of the front -line driver of the online car, the Chengdu online car rental platform and the leasing company heard the order quickly and moved quickly. Establish an epidemic prevention and control team of more than two thousand people, take the lead in implementing various epidemic prevention measures, combined with their own actualities, and participating in volunteer services and material donations to help the epidemic prevention and control.

The Municipal Cyber ​​Car Employment Association issued the "Introduction to the Prevention and Control of the New Crown Epidemium in the Industry" for the first time. Volunteers are transformed into volunteers on the spot, assisting the community to carry out volunteer services such as card duty, nucleic acid testing, order maintenance, and material distribution, and gathers the vigorous power to help the epidemic prevention and control in a short time.

Chengdu Didi Establishing Epidemic Prevention Squadels

Chengdu encountered the first urban management and control epidemic situation after 2020, and everything stopped. The Chengdu Didi team immediately took the initiative to ask for the use of its own industry's advantages to form an emergency guarantee team to do some basic guarantee work for this city. After obtaining the approval of the Municipal Epidemic Prevention Headquarters, he immediately issued a recruitment of the driver's group. Unexpectedly, the number of applicants was far exceeding the number of applicants as soon as the news was issued. When the epidemic was so serious He is minded by this city, hoping to provide medical staff's pick -up and delivery and nucleic acid sample transportation work under the huge pressure of medical security personnel.

"Help Chengdu Anti -Epidemic" Shouqi Ematic Establishing Epidemic Preventing Team

The Shouqi Cars Chengdu Branch quickly established the anti -emergency emergency protection team to provide travel protection for first -line resistance.

A total of 20 drivers and 20 vehicles were included in the anti -epidemic emergency guarantee team. Some medical personnel who were responsible for the testing of nucleic acid inspection of Chenghua District from the hotel to the work location were transported. Resistance emergency protection team personnel are mainly active from daily work, voluntary registration and other personnel to choose. The driver is equipped with medical protective clothing, isolation header, gloves, N95 masks, etc. to ensure the safety of personnel. , Ensure driving safety. The emergency guarantee team is currently arranged in accordance with the relevant street management department and carried out relevant transportation guarantee work, which reflects the responsibility of state -owned enterprises!

T3 travel online multiple anti -epidemic emergency teams

In order to help the Chengdu epidemic prevention and control, the T3 travel Chengdu Branch spontaneously set up a guarantee team. The medical security team has organized 20 vehicles to stand on the standby. You can participate in the medical staff, medical supplies, protection materials, and nucleic acid sample transportation tasks within the area of ​​Greater Chengdu.

When the epidemic rebounded, the number of seal -controlled communities increased, and the shortage of "big white" also began to appear. In this case, T3 volunteers also put on "big white" clothes to assist medical staff to complete the work of nucleic acid testing. Everyone strives to take the lead and actively make greater contributions to the anti -epidemic.

Shu Yuntong Xiangxiang is a "retrograde" against the epidemic, and is a good city "Ferryman" team

Shu Yuntong enjoyed a response to Chenghua District and Jinjiang District Medical Personnel's epidemic prevention guarantee vehicles, and actively organized drivers to rush to the front line of immunity. In order to fully ensure the normal progress of the mission of epidemic prevention and transportation, Shu Yuntong enjoys the establishment of the "Chasing Yang Team", with a 24 -hour standby and responsible for transporting positive confirmed cases to the isolation point. So far, more than 150 vehicles have participated in transportation tasks, and more than 1,000 various types of epidemic prevention and transportation tasks have been completed.

Cao Cao's behavior first -line epidemic prevention personnel provide free pick -up services

In order to meet the travel needs of the front -line epidemic prevention personnel, on the evening of September 1, Cao Cao went to the way to form a caring team again, launched the "anti -epidemic and love car" project, and freely connected to the first -tier medical staff, volunteers and community staff. Retired soldiers, Master Qu Xiangjin, Master Zhang Guirong, the most beautiful volunteer in Chengdu, also responded as soon as possible. In just one hour, the number of applicants exceeded 100.

Due to the blocked travel during the epidemic, there are fewer travel methods that can be used late at night. In order to meet the needs of late -night medical staff home, Cao Cao's travel "resistance to epidemic love" has opened time limit. No matter how late, the first -line epidemic prevention personnel should be sent home. It is understood that the latest demand for car use has been arranged until 12:30 in the morning. As of 18:00 on September 2, Cao Cao's caring team has completed the escort of more than 120 epidemic prevention personnel, and has completed the needs of volunteer services with high -tech zones and bull market streets. Pick-up service.

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