From 00:00 on September 7 to 15:00, 3 cases of confirmed cases and 2 asymptomatic infections in Changping District are students in the Changping Campus of Beijing University of Chemical Technology.

Author:Beijing released Time:2022.09.07

On the afternoon of September 7, the Beijing Municipal Government News Office organized the 394th press conference of the Beijing New Crown Pneumonia Epidemium. Xu Hejian, deputy minister of the Municipal Party Committee Propaganda Department, Director of the Municipal Government News Office, and spokesman for the municipal government. Relevant persons in charge of Haidian District, Changping District, Municipal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and Beijing Chemical University attended the latest epidemic situation to introduce the situation related to the prevention and control of the epidemic.

Bai Lin, deputy head of the People's Government of Changping District, introduced the prevention and control work of the inburst of Changping District:

From 00:00 on September 6th to 24:00, 13 confirmed cases were added in Changping District, and 3 confirmed cases and 2 asymptomatic infections were added at 0:00 on September 7 to 15:00 to 15:00. Students at school have now been transferred to a designated hospital.

1. New case activity trajectory

In addition to the risk points that have been notified yesterday, the risk points of the newly confirmed cases involved the risk points of Changping District are as follows:

September 1st

17: 42-19: 10 Happy shepherd barbecue restaurant (Changping District Government Street Store)

September 3

17: 36-19: 02 Leado Hong Kong Wanda Plaza Hot Pot Hotel

There are air intersections at the same time as the above -mentioned risk points, and the personnel of the health treasure pop -up window are promoted. Please immediately take the initiative to report to the community (village), work units, and residential hotels where they are located, and cooperate with the implementation of various prevention and control measures.

2. The development of the epidemic prevention and control work

The first is to establish a school -ground collaborative disposal mechanism and effectively condense the prevention and control of the epidemic. Resolutely implement the responsibility of the territory. Under the command team of the city guidance group, the establishment of a joint work class of school and land will be established. Essence

The district life security working group has timely connecting the needs of the school, do a good job of daily daily catering guarantee for teachers and students, and prepare for supplies, N95 masks and other materials. The regulating medical staff settled in the isolation point and worked with the school to do a good job in personnel management and psychological guidance.

The second is to quickly carry out streaming control and quickly block the virus transmission chain. Adhere to the "fast word, but things but not night", start the "eight -hour disposal" mechanism, quickly and accurate flow traceability. At present, 475 people have been managed in a total of 475 people, and 657 are connected in the secondary secrets. All of them have been implemented.

It is determined that the Beijing Chemical University Changping Campus Building 1, Building 3, Building 4, and Buildings No. 1 is a high -risk zone. 100 medical personnel are allocated to assist the school to conduct full -scale nucleic acid testing. Merivation is efficient and smooth. The out -of -school risk points involved in the comprehensive investigation of cases have all implemented control measures, and environmental sampling detection involving points involving points is negative.

Starting from the 6th, Nankou Town, Chengbei Street, and Chengnan Street, which were visited, carried out 3 consecutive days of full -member nucleic acid testing, and the results have been negative. Visitors of the University of Chemical Technology, employees and same residents living outside the school, all home health monitoring, and nucleic acid results are negative.

The third is to do a good job of preventing and controlling the social epidemic and strict implementation of normalization prevention and control measures. Strictly implement the ninth edition prevention and control plan, and in accordance with the requirements of "fast, strict, accurate, detailed, and real", strengthen external control screening, and comprehensively prevent death.

Continue to do a good job in community prevention and control, strictly enter Beijing management, strengthen the inspection of public places and cold chain goods prevention, urge the implementation of codes, temperature measurement, check 72 -hour kernel acid negative proof and other epidemic prevention requirements, do a good job of normalized nucleic acid testing of key groups Essence

Strengthen the prevention of schools in the district, especially universities, and urge strictly implementing relevant requirements for returning to school, and weave -density campus epidemic prevention lines. In particular, the Mid -Autumn Festival and the National Day "Two Festival" is approaching. Taking this opportunity also calls on the general public to do personal protection and consciously abide by epidemic prevention regulations.

In the next step, Changping District will resolutely take up political responsibilities, work closely with the University of Chemical Technology, continue to do all aspects such as flow traceability, personnel investigation, service guarantee, etc., resolutely keep the prevention position of colleges and universities, strictly strengthen social prevention and prevention of social prevention.Control, make every effort to prevent the prevention and control of the epidemic.Beijing New Crown Pneumonia Epidemic Prevention and Control Press Conference Broadcast Channel:

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TV platform: Beijing TV Station News Channel live broadcast live broadcast

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