Shimen County Huanshan Town: Anti -drug anti -fraud entering the campus, building a safe firewall

Author:Changde All -Media Time:2022.09.07

On September 4th, Patshan Town, Shimen County organized the town Health Office, police station, traffic police team, village (community) volunteers to go deep into schools in the district to carry out publicity activities such as "anti -drug anti -fraud" and epidemic prevention and control.

During the event, the staff of each station jointly volunteer to hang the "anti -drug anti -fraud" promotional banner outside the gate of the primary and secondary schools in Huanshan Town.Police police officers who have issued anti -telecommunications fraud brochures have happened at the same time as blueprints. Combined with their ten -year criminal investigation experience, they explained to the people of the general public in pretty and easy -to -understand languages.Related laws and regulations.

More than 10 volunteers participated in this event, and a total of more than 300 leaflets were issued.The development of the activity has been well received by teachers and students and parents, deepened the understanding of the majority of teachers and students and the masses' understanding and understanding of the knowledge of anti -drug fraud, anti -drug knowledge, laws and regulations, and effectively improved the people's awareness of legal system.Firewall.

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