Conference on September 7 ② Each household goes out to buy living materials once every two days.

Author:Sichuan Observation Time:2022.09.08

On September 7, the Press Office of the Chengdu Municipal People's Government held a press conference on the prevention and control of the epidemic to report the latest situation of the epidemic prevention and control.

Wenjiang District, Shuangliu District, Lugu District, Jianyang City, Jintang County, Pujiang County, the principles of residents outside the high school risk zone in the area are not allowed to enter.Rural areas are strictly controlled by personnel, and foreign personnel must report.Do not tie up, gather, and stay in the community.Each residents can arrange 1 person every two days to detect negative proofs with a 24 -hour kernel acidic acid detection. On the premise of self -protection, they will pick up living materials once alone and control within 2 hours.Residents who go out for medical treatment and other special needs can enter and leave the community through the consent of the residential community.

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