Scientific precision prevention and control epidemic care

Author:China Tourism News Time:2022.09.08

The cultural and tourism departments of various places must resolutely implement the requirements of the Party Central Committee's "epidemic situation to prevent, the economy must be stable, and develop safely", grasp the characteristics of the "double festival" holiday, and actively take the initiative to act. Control the epidemic, but also deepen the market with your heart, feelings, and work hard to ensure the smooth operation of the holiday tourism market, and ensure that tourists can spend healthy, safe, happy, and peaceful Mid -Autumn Festival National Day holidays

The Mid -Autumn Festival holiday is approaching, and the enthusiasm of the public travel is increasing. Ctrip's latest "Mid -Autumn Festival and Autumn Tour Data Report 2022" shows that the Mid -Autumn Festival holiday orders increased by 137%compared with the Dragon Boat Festival holiday. The strong tourism demand released by the public is undoubtedly a major benefit for continuous promotion of the recovery of the tourism market and boosting tourism consumption. At the same time, it should be noted that in the face of the recent epidemic situation, the entire industry must not relax the prevention and control of the epidemic during the holidays, and create a safe and peaceful tourism environment for the general public.

We have to see that after more than two years of resistance, the industry is more calm in the prevention and control of the epidemic, and the mentality of the majority of tourists is becoming more and more stable. Since the beginning of this year, especially during the Dragon Boat Festival and the summer tourist season, localities have seized market recovery opportunities, increased their efforts to help enterprises, and launched a series of help companies to benefit the people's activities and special tourism products. The market recovery vitality has continued to increase. The whole society is full of expectations for the "double festival" travel, and the industry and localities are confident in the "double festival" holiday tourism market.

At the same time, we also have to see that the current domestic epidemic is more distributed, and the situation of the epidemic prevention and control is still severe and complicated. During the holidays, the liquidity and aggregation of personnel will increase, and the risk of epidemic dissemination and the difficulty of prevention and control will be further increased. Prevention and control.

There is no doubt that the "double festival" epidemic prevention and control and the holiday tourism market work, which is efficiently coordinated, and welcomes the 20th National Congress of the Party with actual actions. It is the common expectations and mission of the people of the people, the main body of the tourism market and the industry.

In this context, the prevention and control of the epidemic is undoubtedly the factors and important prerequisites for the "double festival" holiday tourism market. The cultural and tourism departments of various places must resolutely implement the requirements of the Party Central Committee's "epidemic situation to prevent, the economy must be stable, and develop safely", grasp the characteristics of the "double festival" holiday, and actively take the initiative to act. Control the epidemic, and we must also cultivate the market with heart, affection, and work hard to ensure the smooth operation of the holiday tourism market, and ensure that tourists can spend healthy, safe, happy, and peaceful Mid -Autumn Festival holidays.

The first is to adhere to science and precision and build a prevention and control barrier. Recently, Beijing, Shanghai, Shaanxi and other regions have issued a reminder of epidemic prevention reminder for "double festivals" travel, and advocate local holidays in many places. The entire industry must always tighten the string of the epidemic prevention and control, adhere to the overall strategy of "external prevention input, internal prevention and rebound" and the "dynamic clear zero" general policy. The responsibility for preventing and controlling the epidemic in the real part of the other party has been implemented, and various epidemic prevention and control measures such as wearing masks, codes testing, maintaining a safe social distance, "limited, appointment, and peak" in tourist attractions are implemented. Highlighting the scientific and precise prevention and control, focusing on investigating the risk points, blocking prevention and control loopholes, building a prevention and control barrier, strengthening the "strength" of the epidemic prevention and control, and taking care of the "temperature" of holiday tourism.

The second is to increase market supply and enrich tourist experience. On the one hand, the Mid -Autumn Festival National Day is a festival that the people of the country attach great importance to it. During the "double festival" period, the 13th China Art Festival was held. The best time to feel the ambition and the ambition of a strong country. On the other hand, the "double festival" holiday tourism market will still maintain the local and surrounding tourism markets to accelerate the recovery. The basic development trend of long -term tourism enterprises has risen. Whether the long -term travel market can be opened further still needs to depend on the development of domestic epidemic. Under this special background and trend, localities should encourage and guide market entities to target the characteristics of "double festivals", combine the current "aerospace fever", "non -fire" and "sports fever", etc., to further subdivide and deeply cultivate the market, and actively develop the moon to the moon, and actively develop the moon circles. Mid -Autumn Festival, red tourism, research tourism, non -heritage experience, theme parks, RV camping and other special products to enhance the experience of tourists.

The third is to strengthen supervision and maintain market order. The "double festival" holiday tourism market environment is related to the reputation of various places and tourists' satisfaction. It is a "test stone" for testing the governance capabilities of various industries in various places. Cultural and tourism departments at all levels must adhere to the people -centered, actively coordinate and increase comprehensive law enforcement efforts, work hard on regulating the business behavior of enterprises, improve the service quality, and optimize the consumer environment; adhere to the problem -oriented, target key links, key areas, and key places The prominent issues reflected by tourists, in accordance with the requirements of "execution, inspection, feedback, improvement", comprehensively use various methods such as administrative, science and technology, and economy to severely crack down on illegal and illegal business behaviors, and maintain a good market order. It is necessary to strengthen the awareness of security and bottom line, and focus on the full -scale inspection and unannounced visits and comprehensive inspections around the "food, accommodation, travel, travel, and entertainment entertainment", to comprehensively investigate and rectify various security risks, and do a good job of the "double festival" holiday tourism market security work.

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