Wuyi "Brothers" Chi Aid Xinhui

Author:Chinese overseas Chinese-Jiang Time:2022.09.08

Since the epidemic of Xinguanye pneumonia in Xinhui District, Pengjiang, Jianghai, Taishan, Kaiping, Heshan, and Enping, which have the same hands and feet, have reached a helping hand, emergency support from the materials and manpower. The picture shows Enping's truck transportation of materials in an orderly manner. Jiangmen Daily reporter Huang Sheng Photo

Jiangmen Daily News (Reporter/Huang Sheng) Since the epidemic in Xinguanye pneumonia in Xinhui District, Pengjiang, Jianghai, Taishan, Kaiping, Heshan, Enping, which are coexisting and feet. A action of brothers, watching each other, and resistance to each other was staged warmly in the land of Wuyi.

At noon on September 7, under the escort of police cars, the convoy consisting of 5 trucks entered the new session in an orderly manner. The car is equipped with a living supplies supporting Xinhui in Pengjiang District, including 400 boxes of Master Kang's various flavors of instant noodles, 300 boxes of various flavored drinks, a total of 1,800 cans of 600 boxes of Jiangfan's prefabricated soup, a batch of beautiful food foods, Dongwangyang Ocean, A batch of & Portuguese Foods. In the afternoon, 6 large trucks with full -loaded supplies in Enping entered the new session with 300,000 bottles of mineral water, 30,000 breads, and 5,000 kg of Enping Rice. In the evening, Taishan City sent Zhenxiang five -star rice 5,000 kilograms, 1,000 chicken in Debao Shuibu, 1,000 Dongrong moon cakes, 20,000 mineral water, 50 cases of Guanghu Liang soup, etc.

On the same day, 501 new medical staff members of the Jianghai District, the first batch of 125 new medical staff in Enping City, and 801 medical staff from Taishan nucleic acid testing and support team urgently assisted the New Society.

According to statistics, Caiping City sent 17 streaming members, 535 sampling personnel, 1 inspector, 215 police officers, and 300 medical staff to support Xinhui to resist the disease.

"Wuyi will always hold hands with Xinhui, and we will always guard the beautiful home of Jiangmen." Feng Bingfeng from Enping said.

"The support of the people into the city, the support of the brothers (cities, districts) of Wuyi area (city, district), brings full affection and deep blessings. We must use this as the motivation to make the resistance work best!" The person in charge of the relevant unit of Xinhui District said.

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