Xiaoyi: restore hukou to help father and son reunite

Author:Huanghe News Network Luliang C Time:2022.09.08

Huanghe News Network Luliang News Recently, a 80 -year -old man in the Gaoyang Police Station of Xiaoyi City came to his 80 -year -old man to ask for help saying that his son had not been home for more than 20 years because he had no hukou. You can see your son once before dying. After learning about this situation, Gaoyang Police Station attached great importance to it and immediately investigated it.

After investigation, Gao Mou left Xiaoyi more than 20 years ago and went to work in Yunnan, Guangdong and other places. After Gao Mou's ID expired, Gao Mou did not apply for a new identity document in time because he did not understand the household registration policy. Can't buy a ticket to go home, and you cannot get a mobile phone card to contact your family. On August 31, 2012, because Gao did not apply for a second -generation identity card, the population management system was no photo personnel. After multiple contacts, he did not find him to apply for an ID card to delete his account.

In recent years, the institute has always contacted Gao's family and paid attention to Gao's information. Recently, Gao's father came to ask for help and provided Gao's phone. Excited, expressing his nostalgia, hoping to help him restore the hukou as soon as possible. After learning that Gao's current work unit and residential address, the institute sent a joint inspection letter to the local police station to help check the actual situation of Gao Mou. After a lot of comparison and verification, after confirming that Gao did not handle the hukou outside the province, the police reported to the situation of Gao Mou, who had restored the household registration for Gao, and helped the ID card to mail to Gao Mou's current residence. Mid -Autumn Festival Mid -Autumn Festival, Mid -Autumn Festival On the occasion of the festival, I hope that it will return to their hometowns as soon as possible! (Zhang Ruhui)

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