On September 10, some sections of Lanzhou City implemented temporary traffic control

Author:Gansu daily Time:2022.09.08


The 15th Gansu Provincial Games Lanzhou Torch Transmission Event will be held in our city at 9 am on September 10, 2022. In order to ensure the smoothly held torch transfer activities, in accordance with the relevant provisions of the "Road Traffic Safety Law of the People's Republic of China", it is now decided to implement temporary traffic control on some sections of the city on September 10 from 8:30 am to 11:30 am.

1. Huarin Road (Martyrs Cemetery -Xijin East Road)

2. Xijin East Road (Cultural Palace -South Exit of East Road, Xiaoxi Lake Park)

3. Xiaoxi Lake Park East Road (Xijin East Road -Nanbinhe Road)

4. Nanbinhe Road (north exit of the East Road of Xiaoxi Lake Park -Jinyan Yellow River Bridge)

5. Renmin Road (Jinyan Yellow River Bridge North -Marathon Cultural Theme Park)

6. Jiefang Gate Interchange Bridge (the vehicle is prohibited from driving north to Nanbinhe Road and westward to Xijin East Road)

7. Xiaoxi Lake Liping Bridge (vehicle prohibits driving east to Nanbinhe Road and Xijin East Road)


9. During the control period, in addition to the vehicles holding the passage of this event, various types of motor vehicles, non -motor vehicles and pedestrians are prohibited from passing the above time and sections. Traffic control will be terminated in a timely manner according to the activity process.


Traffic Police Detachment of Lanzhou Public Security Bureau

September 7, 2022

Source: Lanzhou Public Security Traffic Police

Editor in charge: Yu Shuai

Supervisor: Mu so strong

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