"Five advances" propaganda into community science popularization knowledge to protect Ping An

Author:Tongliao Fire Time:2022.09.08

In order to effectively improve the awareness of fire safety and self -rescue of the masses, solidly promote the "five -entry" publicity work of fire safety, and vigorously create a strong atmosphere of "get used to safe and safe people." On September 7, the propaganda staff of the Kullen Banner Fire Rescue Brigade went deep into the Aqima community to carry out the "5 minutes" fire safety training.

During the training process, the brigade propaganda staff combined with the typical fire cases that had occurred in recent years, and explained in detail from the causes of fire, hidden dangers, preventive measures, the methods of escaping self -rescue during fire, and fire extinguishing measures. , And explain the fire safety knowledge such as family fire prevention measures, autumn fire characteristics, household appliances precautions, and how to safely park charging and charging in unknown language. Subsequently, propaganda staff explained in detail the basic knowledge of fire extinguishers for fire removal, and demonstrated to the community residents how to regulate the use of fire extinguishers to allow residents to understand the correct way to deal with fires. Residents came forward to experience, applying theoretical knowledge to reality, and further consolidating the foundation of residents' fire safety management.

Through training, the enthusiasm and initiative of the community's grass -roots fire safety management personnel can be further mobilized to do a good job of fire safety work, improve the fire safety awareness of community staff and residents, and respond to fire accident skills, build a "firewall" of the community fire safety. Essence At the same time, the advantages of the double embrace of the street and the fire rescue station have been given full play to strengthen cooperation between mutual assistance and laid a solid foundation for the construction of a peaceful and harmonious community.

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