Maocun Village, Fengxiang District, Baoji: The deserted land transformed into the "Hope Field" masses increased their income and rejoiced

Author:Western Decision Network Time:2022.09.08

Western Decision Network News (Reporter Amy Zongxian Correspondent Zheng Chen) "Spring planting cabbage, cabbage, wheat and watermelon in summer, we plan to plant late autumn vegetables ..." On September 7, in Fengxiang District, in Fengxiang District In the area of ​​Malacca Village, Chengguan Town, Fan Yongjun, the village secretary, was developed as a treasure of the village collective industry.

He said that after the establishment of the Village Economic Cooperative, the seasonal wasteland caused by young people to work in the past has become a vibrant "hope field", which makes people feel impressive.

It is understood that in the past two years, the village has survived more than 800 acres of land, planting wheat, cabbage, cabbage and other crops, and also built 52 steel frames with cotton water and fertilizer. Yuan.

"The cooperative is getting better and better now, but when I first started, I encountered many problems." Fan Yongjun told the author, "Like the dominant industry, the collective accumulation of weakness, the lack of development funds ... in the early days, it became a 'blockbuster'. "

During the conversation with Fan Yongjun, the author learned that in order to solve these problems, Mamamura adopted the operating model of "branch lead+cadre investment+village operation", and after extensive investigation, soliciting opinions, combined with the actual village conditions, choose high -quality grain planting , Vegetables and fruits production and agricultural product subcontracting sales are the leading industries of the village stock economy cooperatives. Finally, the industrial development shares were also set up. Seven village cadres took the lead to raise funds to invest 700,000 yuan, and promised that the risk cadres and the income belonged to everyone. Inject the source of living water into the development of village -level cooperatives.

"Since I have a cooperative, I usually have a salary here and can take care of my family. The day is getting better and better." Malacun three groups of villagers Deng Geling said happily.

While the industry revitalizes, the cooperatives have not forgotten the villagers to become rich. At present, the cooperatives have hired more than 120 employees, most of which are nearby villagers.

"In the next step, we plan to develop a division of fresh -keeping storage projects for the processing of agricultural and sideline products. After the project is transferred to operation, it can not only solve the problem of low -profile income from the concentrated and mature seasons of agricultural and sideline products. To realize the large -scale and high -quality sales of agricultural products and increase collective income, it is expected that the annual income will reach more than 180,000 yuan. "Fan Yongjun is full of confidence in the future development of the cooperative.

The industry's revitalization is the key. In order to make the industrial chain longer and the economic income wider, Ma Village will use the project to bring the comparative advantages of facility agriculture, promote the integration of the three industries, and lead the masses to increase their income and become rich.

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