Building a beautiful geese tower | The atmosphere of the Mid -Autumn Festival is strong and the folklore is more interesting

Author:Yanta Rong Media Time:2022.09.08

In order to inherit the art of paper -cutting in intangible material culture and enhance the cohesion of the community, recently, the community of Jinti West AD, Ducheng Street invited residents representatives, retired soldiers, and literary backbones, etc., and organized the theme The Mid -Autumn Festival folk activities.

At the scene, the paper -cutting teacher told the techniques and skills of paper -cutting in detail, and patiently guided everyone to make a realistic and lifelike paper -cutting work. When the red paper turned into a colorful pattern in his hands, the residents showed a happy smile.

"The meaning of the Mid -Autumn Rabbit Lantern is the expectation of people's reunion and happiness of the family. Rabbit lamps are an ancient traditional Chinese handicraft, a kind of lanterns, and belongs to the art of lights." Teacher Li, who made lanterns, said that The rabbit lamp was in the Tang Dynasty. People regarded rabbits as auspicious things. Because of its simple production, every family would tie up. Aunt Wang, the community, said: "I thought it was difficult to make a lantern. Under the careful guidance of the teacher, I also made it and revisited the memories of childhood."

Ducheng Street Ye Shulin said that the launch of the Mid -Autumn Festival event not only allowed residents and friends to feel the charm of traditional culture closely, enriched the amateur cultural life of residents in the jurisdiction, but also effectively enhanced everyone's sense of happiness and belonging.

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