Unblocked demand channel 12345 hotline for enterprises to relieve difficulties

Author:Tianshan.com Time:2022.09.08

Pomegranate/Xinjiang Daily News (Reporter Zheng Zhuo) The autonomous region's 12345 government service convenience hotline platform is unblocked and requesting channels to provide assistance to immune -related enterprises and the masses in a timely manner. From August 31st to September 6th, the entire district received a total of 4,323 requests for helping enterprises, of which 1,819 demands were requested for re -production and re -production, 1043 requests for reducing vehicles, and 1,461 other demands.

The relevant person in charge of the autonomous region 12345 government service hotline platform stated that in order to effectively respond to the adverse effects of the production development of the market, help small, medium and micro enterprises and individual industrial and commercial households through difficulties, promote the stable and healthy development of the economy, and the autonomous region 12345 government service and convenience convenience The hotline has strengthened the analysis of data involving the demands of helping the enterprise, reflects the real situation of the market in a timely and accurately, and provides data support for the government to help enterprises' rescue decisions.

"12345? My car is on the road, the maintenance staff can't come, all the fruits, vegetables and meat are pulled on the car." Recently, a Kashgar truck driver dialed the 12345 hotline platform for help, reflecting the vehicle's stranding on the distance due to failure. 60 kilometers away from the Cito Inspection Station of Yecheng County.

After receiving the demands of the truck driver, the 12345 hotline platform in Kashi area immediately listed it as an emergency appeal, and transferred to the office of the 12345 Hotline Office of Yecheng County in accordance with the principles of "reception". Soon, Yecheng County 12345 Hotline Office contacted the maintenance enterprise and coordinated the community to help the maintenance staff rushed to the incident. After the vehicle was repaired, the truck driver successfully transported the supplies to the destination.

In order to ensure the timely and effective solution of enterprises and the masses, the 12345 hotline platform of the Kashgar area shortened the time limit for the work order during the epidemic period to 3 hours. The emergency matters were stared at by the leaders of the county and city epidemic in 10 minutes, and Perform 100%return visits.

Not only in Kashgar, the 12345 hotline in the Tacheng area to meet the various needs of enterprises during the epidemic, regional and county and cities' epidemic prevention and control headquarters added a 7 × 24 hours of all -weather artificial value to defend the special line, which effectively solved the work order. Push in time and answer questions in time.

The 12345 hotline in Urumqi is closely connected with districts, counties, transportation, business and other departments, establishes a fast linkage mechanism, and shortens the time limit for the disposal of the masses of the enterprise to 2 hours to ensure the timely response of the problem and deal with it efficiently.

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