Promote the "3 days 2 inspection" on the spot on the spot

Author:Shantou released Time:2022.09.09

When the Mid -Autumn Festival is approaching, the flow of personnel will increase significantly, and the risk of epidemic spread will increase. Disease control experts remind that the citizens must do a good job of health protection during the Mid -Autumn Festival holiday.

Preparation before travel

Experts suggested that before traveling, citizens can go to the government -related epidemic website to understand the reports of destination cases and high -risk areas in advance, to understand the epidemic and prevention and control information at any time, and pay attention to querying the related epidemic prevention policies of the destination. Promote the holidays to avoid going to the county (city, district, flag) where the Central high risk zone is located. We must do a good job of travel in advance and scientifically plan travel. Before going to the scenic spots, learn about the scenic spots in advance, and try to choose a well -ventilated scenic spot. Appointment online in advance to avoid the peak hours of scenic spots, travel peaks. Before travel, the masks, cleaning agents, paper towels and other supplies needed during the travel period can also be appropriately prepared for some wash -free and disinfectant, which can be used to clean your hands when you do not wash your hands.

Protection during travel

Experts emphasize that it is important to protect protection during travel. When taking a plane, train and other transportation, we must comply with safety order and related epidemic prevention management requirements, and do personal protection throughout the process. When waiting and waiting, wait for the space circulation space, not in the crowded and closed places for a long time. To visit public places such as scenic spots, we must follow the requirements of "limited, appointment, peak peaks", check the temperature measurement and health code, and actively scan the code; do not spit and throw garbage in the scenic spots. Or put it in a garbage bag and throw it into the trash. Choose hotels (hotels) with good sanitary conditions and complete ventilation facilities. It is recommended to open the windows and ventilate frequently. Try to avoid touching the surface of the public areas such as the handrails, railings, and elevator buttons directly with your hands. After returning to the hotel from public places, you can completely wash your hands as soon as possible. Pay attention to the dietary hygiene during the journey. It is recommended to choose a meal system and buffet during the trip, and keep a proper distance from other dining passengers. Reduce unnecessary dinner party. It is recommended to use public chopsticks for dinner. In addition, it is recommended to use mobile online payment or scan code payment as much as possible to reduce cash payment as much as possible.

Health management after returning

Experts remind that health management must not be ignored after returning. After returning from going out, you should pay close attention to the physical condition of yourself and his family. If you have symptoms such as fever, dry cough, fatigue, smell of smell, sore throat, etc., you should go to the medical institution for consultation as soon as possible. Before nucleic acid detection negative results come out, do not take a bus and subway, and go to get off work "two o'clock" to reduce the gathering of staff. At the same time, pay close attention to the epidemic trend. After returning, if you find that you have been in high -risk areas for nearly 14 days, and cities with local epidemic reports, transportation with positive personnel or activities with positive personnel, and activity trajectory must be reported to the community, and cooperate with the epidemic prevention and control measures. Entering the occupation of high -risk positions, or from the high -risk zone, the city where the local epidemic area is located (returned) Shanshan, you must inform the units or destination villages (communities) and hotels in advance, and hold 48 hours of kernel acidic acid test negative proof After arriving in Shan, a nucleic acid test "3 days and 2 inspections" were carried out, and corresponding health management measures were taken in accordance with the existing regulations. There is no city in the city where there is no local epidemic area outside the province. 3 days 2 inspections ". There was no city in the province (returning) Shanshan, which was not located in the province. It was advocated that the nucleic acid test "3 days 2 inspections" were promoted after arriving at Shan.

(Source: Shantou Daily)

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