Promote the Mid -Autumn Festival, come back to Shaanxi, please take the initiative to report!

Author:Health Shaanxi Release Time:2022.09.09

The epidemic situation is still severe and complicated

At present, the prevention and control situation in the province is still severe and complicated. When the Mid -Autumn Festival is approaching, when the reunion of thousands of people, the movement and gathering activities will increase significantly. In order to effectively control and reduce the risk of the spread of new coronary pneumonia, scientifically and accurately do a good job of preventing and control of the epidemic, and resolutely consolidate the difficult and control results of the expansion and expansion, the Shaanxi Provincial Health and Health Commission, please pay attention to the following health reminder:

First, promote the holiday vacation. During the holidays, personnel flow increased, and the personnel were complex during cross -regional flowing on public transportation and self -driving cars, and the risk of infection increased. In order to reduce the risk of infection, promote the holidays and vacations on the spot. Promote all cross -city travelers to carry out nuclear acids and two inspections for three days after returning.

Second, come back to Shaanxi to report to report. If you come from the high -risk zone in other provinces and the area of ​​local cases (return) Shaanxi, please report in the "Come (Back) Shaanxi Pre -Report" module in the "Shaanxi One Code" module in advance, and actively take the initiative to the destination community (village village (village (village (village (village (village (village (village (village , Community, hotels) and units reported, and after entering Shaanxi, they cooperated with the implementation of the corresponding health management measures, and took the initiative to report to the community (village) after arriving.

Third, reduce the gathering of gatherings. Try to reduce visiting friends, promote the Internet and telephone visit to send blessings. Try not to organize and participate in party dinners, reduce large -scale gathering activities, and promote "slowing the red affairs, simplified things, and banquets." In -entry and exit people such as dense places such as "limited, appointment, peaks" and other measures.

Fourth, do personal protection. Adhere to hand -washing, wearing masks, constant ventilation, mealing system, using public chopsticks, and keeping the "1 meter line" social distance. Measures such as scanning, temperature measurement, and masks are strictly implemented in public places. If there is a intersection with the trajectory of the infected person, please report to the community (village) and units as soon as possible. Maintain a healthy lifestyle with reasonable diet, moderate exercise, quitting of smoking and alcohol, and psychological balance, and pay attention to food safety.

Fifth, do a good job of self -health monitoring. Once symptoms such as fever, dry cough, fatigue, sore throat, wearing a mask must be regulated throughout the process, and the nearest kidney kidney consultation must be taken. For daily medical treatment, it is recommended to make an appointment in advance to wear a medical surgical mask or the above -class mask. After the medical treatment, do not stay in the hospital. After returning, replace the mask and hand disinfection in time.

The peaceful and healthy Shaanxi needs the joint guardian of every resident and friends, let us work together to do a good job of preventing and controlling the epidemic, work together to consolidate the hard -won results, and share the civilized and healthy festival.

Shaanxi Province Health and Health Commission

I sincerely wish the people of the province:

Happy Mid -Autumn Festival and happy family!

Official Website of Shaanxi Provincial Health and Health Commission

Edit: Qin Xiaojian Shu Yunmao Ziyu Junhui

Review: The Health Promotion Division of the Shaanxi Provincial Health and Health Committee

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