Issuing the Mid -Autumn Festival condolences of 354,000 yuan, Panyu District Women's Federation condolences to the mother's family and the family and the family who lost independence

Author:Panyu Terrace Time:2022.09.09

The Mid -Autumn Festival is approaching. In order to carry forward the fine traditions of the Chinese nation to respect the elderly and love the young, help the weak and help the weak, the Women's Federation of Panyu District uses 354,000 yuan for mutual assistance funds for "women's love", which is a family of 170 units in difficulties. Families over the age of age issued the Mid -Autumn Festival condolences.

Panyu District Women's Federation host Mid -Autumn Festival condolences

Panyu District Women's Federation also linked loving corporate resources such as Yishan Piece Water Agriculture Technology Development Co., Ltd. and Lingnan Foundation • Aikinkin to conduct visit to the Mid -Autumn Festival in each town and streets. On August 31, Wang Minling, vice chairman of the District Women's Federation, led a team to the Wanfeng Community Party and Mass Service Center of Qiaoya Street to carry out the launch of the "Love Love in the Mid -Autumn Festival" and issued condolences and condolences to the representatives of the difficulties (relatives) of the difficulties (relatives). Taste. On September 2nd, the Women's Federation of the District went to Shatou Street to conduct investigations and visits to send holiday condolences and good blessings to women in difficulties.

Panyu District Women's Federation sent condolences to the representative of the difficult mother (relative)

In addition, the town and street women's federation organized the Mid -Autumn Festival condolences to convey the true care and intimate greetings of the "maiden family" with actual actions, and send care and warmth to the hearts of the difficult people.

Shilou Town condolences to single -parent difficulties mother

Text/Picture: Panyu Rong Media Reporter Chen Xiaowu Correspondent Fanwu Xuan

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