By 2025, the weather is basically eliminated!Shijiazhuang City has clearly clarified the target task of pollution prevention and control in the past three years

Author:Hebei Radio and Television Sta Time:2022.09.09

Recently, the Shijiazhuang Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government issued the "Implementation Opinions on the In -depth Battle of Pollution Control". The "Implementation Opinions" clarified the target tasks of Shijiazhuang's pollution prevention and control in the past three years. By 2025, the ecological environment of Shijiazhuang City will continue to improve, and the total amount of major pollutant emissions will continue to decline. 66.7%, basically eliminating severe pollution weather, all of which eliminate black and odorous water bodies, the risk of soil pollution is effectively controlled, the ecological environment governance system is more complete, and new progress has been achieved in the construction of ecological civilization. By 2035, a green production lifestyle is widely formed. After the carbon emissions reach the peak, it will drop steadily, and the ecological environment will be fundamentally improved.

In order to achieve the above goals, Shijiazhuang City will accelerate the development of green and low -carbon by taking the in -depth battle of blue sky, blue water, and pure land, effectively maintaining the safety of ecological environment, improving the modernization level of ecological environment, and continuously promoting the improvement of the ecological environment in order to improve the improvement of the ecological environment. High -level protection promotes high -quality development and create high -quality life.

The "Opinions" pointed out that Shijiazhuang City will accelerate the development of green and low -carbon, focusing on the fields of energy, industry, urban and rural construction and steel, building materials, petrochemical and other industries to carry out carbon peak operations to accelerate the formation of green and low -carbon lifestyles. Strengthen Beijing -Tianjin -Hebei coordinated development of ecological and environmental construction joint defense and joint control, improve joint legislation, collaborative law enforcement, and environmental assessment mechanism. Promote energy cleaning and low -carbon transformation, strictly control the project access, resolutely curb the blind development of high -energy energy -consuming and high -emission projects, and promote the efficient use of clean production and energy resources. Strengthen the control of ecological environment partitions and establish a list of differentiated ecological environment access.

Fighting the Blue Sky Defense War. Fight the achievements of the "retreat ten" to consolidate the attack, focus on the adjustment of the industrial, energy and transportation structure, carry out the resource utilization efficiency, energy consumption, and pollutant emissions of key industries, and improve the level of refined urban management. By 2025, the air quality integrated index ranking will withdraw from the last ten nationwide.

Focus on the pollution of fine particles in autumn and winter, and strengthen the comprehensive management of air pollution. Safety and efficiency promote the comprehensive governance of volatile organic objects in key industries, carry out investigation and classification governance of gas -related industrial clusters, fight ozone pollution prevention and control, safe and efficiently promote comprehensive governance of volatile organic matter in key industries, carry out inspection and classification governance of gas -related industry clusters Essence Accelerate the promotion and application of new energy vehicles and develop green transportation. Strengthen the control of dust, deepen the pollution of catering oil and smoke, and the governance of evil odor, strengthen the comprehensive utilization and burn management control of straw, and solve the prominent noise problems that the masses care about.

Fight in the battle of blue water. Coordinate the improvement and restoration of the water ecological environment of the upstream river basin in Shijiazhuang City, and promote the comprehensive improvement of the water quality of the upstream basin in the upstream of Baiyangdian. The system promotes the treatment of urban black and odorous water bodies, comprehensively completes the diversion of rainfalling of municipal coordinated drainage pipe networks, and promotes the full coverage of urban sewage pipe networks. Consolidate and improve the level of drinking water safety, basically complete the designated, bids, and environmental issues to investigate and rectify environmental issues. Highlight the water quality supervision of urban landscapes such as the people's heart river, the Taiping River, and the water system of the city, and gradually improve the water quality of the landscape water.

Fight in the war of guarding the Pure Land. Promote the rural toilet revolution, rural sewage and domestic waste treatment according to local conditions, focus on supplementing the shortcomings of the rural ecological environment, and deepening the comprehensive improvement of the rural ecological environment. Promote the prevention and utilization of soil pollution of agricultural land, and effectively control the risk of soil pollution of construction land. Carry out the creation of "non -waste cities" to promote the full green transformation of the city. Dis -determined groundwater drinking water sources supply area and strengthen protection measures, and implement coordinated prevention and control of water and water environmental risks.

According to the requirements of the Opinions, Shijiazhuang City will continue to improve the quality of ecosystems, implement important ecosystem protection and restoration projects, and the integrated protection and restoration projects of landscapes and forests. Regional surveys, observations, and evaluations; establish a government reserve system for pollutant discharge rights to promote the healthy development of the market for pollution -discharge transactions; establish and improve the ecological environment monitoring network based on modern perception technology and big data technology, and realize the full coverage of environmental quality, ecological quality, pollution source monitoring, etc. Essence

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