Jilin Provincial Culture and Tourism Department of Mid -Autumn Festival Tourism Safety Tips

Author:Jilin Provincial Department of Time:2022.09.09

In order to allow tourists to spend a peaceful, peaceful, and pleasant Mid -Autumn Festival holiday, the Provincial Department of Culture and Tourism has a warm reminder:

First, arrange itinerary reasonably. Through authoritative channels to understand the prevention and control policies of the starting place and destination, consciously abide by the announcement warning prompts issued by the local government and relevant departments, understand the opening and appointment measures in the scenic area in advance, and do not travel to domestic high -risk areas. When symptoms such as colds, fever, etc., you should stop visiting and go to a nearby hospital in time.

Second, pay attention to travel safety. Do not bring illegal dangerous items on public transportation. Self -driving tour should do a good job of car condition. Do not bring faults on the road, eliminate fatigue driving and drunk driving, and tie a seat belt on the way to achieve safe driving and civilized driving.

3. Follow the weather and natural disaster warning information. Pay attention to the weather and weather along the way in time, especially paying attention to extreme weather early warning information, and adjust the itinerary in time according to the weather conditions. In the mountainous areas, valleys and other areas, safety risks such as landslides, falling rocks, mudslides, and floods should be prevented. Hear the tips and arrangements of the local government and relevant departments, and timely emergency avoidance.

Fourth, strengthen personal protection. In accordance with the requirements of the epidemic prevention and control plan (ninth edition), consciously abide by the epidemic prevention and control regulations, wear masks, wash their hands frequently, gather less, and work hard to develop a good habit of "one meter". Take a transportation tool and visit the park consciously to keep distance from other tourists. During the meal, open the tables and chairs to avoid tie. When coughing and sneezing, pay attention to covering the elbow or paper towels, and not spit.

5. Pay attention to the safety of the tour. According to the individual's age, health, psychological and other conditions, and under the guidance of professionals, they are cautious to participate in high -risk projects such as high -altitude, high -speed, and adventure, and swim in waters that are not safe. Abide by the security reminder of the local government, relevant departments, and scenic spots. Do not go to a private "attraction" without formal development and open reception tourists, lack of security, and fragile ecological environment and illegal operations to avoid safety accidents and unnecessary disputes.

Jilin Provincial Department of Culture and Tourism

September 9, 2022

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