This year's Mid -Autumn Festival "Fifteen Rounds", which areas of Sichuan can enjoy the Mid -Autumn Festival at night?

Author:Red Star News Time:2022.09.09

On September 10, we will usher in the annual Mid -Autumn Festival. In addition to eating moon cakes in the Mid -Autumn Festival, there are also indispensable moon -viewing parts, especially this year's Mid -Autumn Festival is a full moon, which is worthy of appreciation.

So, what is the weather tomorrow? Can people see a round and big moon in Sichuan?

During the Mid -Autumn Festival in 2021, photographer Tian Xianghe Tian Xiang and the moon shot

Fifteenth Moon Fifteen Circles

Due to the volatility of the ground moon movement, every year from the Mid -Autumn Festival, the Mid -Autumn Festival see the most round time of the moon, and it may not be on August 15th of the lunar calendar.

According to the analysis of the National Meteorological Center Weather Forecast Technology R & D Room, unlike the "Fifteenth Moon Sixteen Circles" commonly used in previous years, this year's Mid -Autumn Festival meets the full moon. At 17:59 on August 15th of the lunar calendar on September 10.

Since the moon is below the horizon of most parts of my country at this time, astronomical experts estimate that only the east of Heilongjiang in my country is expected to see in China. It is expected that Raohe County, Raohe County, and monthly time of the month of September 10th and 17:00 on the monthly time time. At 48 points, Funyuan City and other places, local residents and tourists visiting local people can see the moment when the "most round Mid -Autumn Festival" jumps from the horizon.

Mid -Autumn Festival Sichuan should be appreciated by the moon

The Central Meteorological Observatory predicts that on the September 10th (Mid -Autumn Festival), most of the northwest region, the eastern Sichuan Basin, and northern Jiangsu and Anhui are mainly sunny, which is conducive to the moonlight at night.

On the 11th, northern Xinjiang, northern Heilongjiang, south of Shaanxi, western and southern Sichuan Basin, Yunnan, central and western Guizhou, Tibet, southern Guangdong, Guangxi and other parts there are small rain, and there are central areas in western and southeast of Yunnan. To heavy rain. These areas have an impact on the moon appreciation.

It should be noted that in the next three days, geological disasters in some areas in southern Ganzi, western Ya'an, and northern Liangshan in Sichuan are high, and the weather disasters and meteorological risks of geological disasters are high. Rescue workers and people in the disaster areas need to be alert to the secondary disasters such as landslides, collapse and mudslides that may cause rainfall. Essence

Red Star News reporter Dai Jiajia


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