Refine the skills to create a new era discipline inspection and supervision iron army

Author:Yanji Propaganda Time:2022.09.09

Recently, the Yanji Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection has held two phases of the training courses for new disciplinary inspection and supervision cadres since 2020 to promote the new situation of newly admitted disciplinary inspection and supervision cadres to better adapt to the new situation, new tasks, and new requirements for comprehensively and strictly governing the party.

"Disciplinary inspection and supervision work is a political and strong work. Disciplinary inspection and supervision cadres should take learning as a political responsibility, strive to improve their ability to perform their duties, and adapt to the new era discipline inspection and supervision work with strong comprehensive quality." In training At the mobilization meeting, Yao Huayi, deputy secretary of the Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection and Deputy Director of the Municipal Supervision Committee, shared valuable work experience and made clear requirements to the newly -included disciplinary inspection and supervision cadres.

Based on the reality of more new disciplinary inspection and supervision cadres in recent years, this training is in order to promote the new job disciplinary inspection and supervision cadres to fully grasp business knowledge and make up for shortcomings. Exquisite courses such as wind and political supervision and case trial have improved the guidance and pertinence of special training.

Training adopts lectures on leading cadres, the heads of the department leader, and business backbone in turn. The supervision work was explained in a simple way. The teaching staff exchanged and discussed on the spot with the participating students, sparking thinking, and talking about work ideas, forcing disciplinary inspection and supervision cadres to consciously check the lack of missing, strengthen business knowledge learning, and continuously improve the awareness of party discipline and party regulations and business literacy.

In the next step, the Municipal Discipline Inspection Commission will continue to take a series of training as the starting point, strengthen practical exercise, guide and help new disciplinary inspection and supervision cadres in practice, grow in work, and complete the transformation from "novice" to "capable" as soon as possible , Effectively enhance the ability of the city's disciplinary inspection and supervision cadres to perform their duties, and strive to forge a new era disciplinary inspection and supervision of the new era of disciplinary inspection and supervision of political firmness, high -strength skills, strong style, and responsibility.

Yanbian Morning News all -media reporter Yang Ying

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