The "Cliffing Digging Road" of Moxi Town, Luding County continues to advance about 120 meters from the Hailuogou Bridge

Author:Cover news Time:2022.09.09

Cover reporter Chen Yuanyang Li Qing Wang Xianglong

After the "September 5" Luding earthquake, the roads from Moli Town, Luding County, Luding County, Sichuan, were blocked by the landslides of the Hailugou Scenic Area.The excavator disputes against time, digging the "life channel" on the cliff.

At 10:45 am on August 9th, the drizzle of Musi Town was finally suspended. The rescue work of Mohai Road from Moxi Town to Hailuogou Scenic Area will be resumed in an orderly manner under the conditions of operation and continued to repair.At the scene, 3 excavators were put in and 1 loader (including local equipment).According to the visual inspection, it was cleaned up to the Bechigou Bridge of Yanzigou, and there were about 120 meters.

At present, due to a boulder with a diameter of more than 2 meters, the cleanup work is hindered, and the project department has actively coordinated the crushing head of the crushing head to crush the boulder.According to witnesses during the earthquake, the possibility of vehicles was buried in the road.

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