[Anti -epidemic · I have me]

Author:Rongcheng Tongxin Time:2022.09.09

Faced with the sudden "August 25" local epidemic, members of the Chengdu CPC party actively responded to the call, rushed to participate in the prevention and control of the epidemic in the front line, and helped the epidemic prevention and control fight against the battle.

The communist members of the Chengdu Taiwanese Communist Party and the police of the Wuhou Branch of the Chengdu Public Security Bureau Hu He lived in the residential area of ​​the residence of the residence of the residence. Comrade Hu He responded to the call for the first time. Under the unified arrangement of the temporary party branch of the community and community epidemic, actively did a good job in the handling of epidemic prevention materials, the installation of the door magnetic system, and the emotional guidance of the residents.

Since the community closed on August 26, Comrade Hu He insisted on participating in material handling every day, preaching the epidemic prevention and control policy to 20 households, and installed 20 door magnetic systems.

(The right of the picture above is Comrade Hu He)

Chengdu Laudu District People's Hospital is one of the targeted hospitals and the new crown virus nucleic acid detection base. As the "sentinel" of the epidemic, as the "warrior" closest to the new crown virus, Zheng Lan, a member of the Chinese Communist Party of China and the inspection subject, and colleagues at the department as the department as the home, and persisted in the job day after day. Personal nucleic acid examination work effectively ensure the efficient operation of the detection of new coronary virus nucleic acid.

(Above the left 1 is Comrade Zheng Lan)

Chen Guijing, a member of the Chinese Communist Party of China, as the secretary of the party branch of Bailu Ding Village, Baolu Town, Pengzhou City, and the director of the village committee. The first time the superiors were implemented by the superiors of the static management during the epidemic, the villagers were actively doing a good job of policies and streaming emotions in the villagers' homes.

(The above left 2 is Comrade Chen Guijing)

Supply: Municipal Taiwan Union

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