"Epidemic" is gone, Longchang Political and Law escorts peace

Author:I am Longchang Time:2022.09.09

The epidemic is command, prevention and control is responsibility. Faced with the severe and complex epidemic prevention and control situation, the Political and Legal Committee of the Longchang Municipal Party Committee moved to move and bravely carry out the burden, and took multiple measures to prevent the prevention and control of the epidemic.

Focus on the responsibility of preventing and control, take the lead in the prevention and control of the community epidemic

Pay close attention to investigation and control, and build an epidemic prevention and control "community defense". The first is to strictly investigate. Comprehensive measures such as on -site tanks, active reporting, Tianxian reporting system investigation, big data verification and other measures to conduct all aspects of key areas to return (Long) personnel to investigate. The second is to strictly control the home door. Strictly implement the "five packs and one" responsibility system at home, coordinate community cadres, sinking cadres, grid staff, volunteers and other forces, carry out duty on duty, visits, logistics services, and adopt strictness for not complied with the regulations of the epidemic prevention and control regulations. Various measures such as investigating and punishing and rewarding reports have strengthened the control. The third is to strictly obey the community door. Urges the communities (buildings) to adhere to duty, implement the prevention measures such as temperature testing, scanning code, wearing masks, checking the itinerary, and registration of foreign personnel.

In addition, lead the organization to launch large -scale nucleic acid testing to guide and urge each towns (streets) to do a good job in personnel, establish ledger, detailed organizational launch, propaganda guidance, and order maintenance. Detection task.

Focus on political and legal functions, and coordinate sinking "Politics and Law Pioneer"

According to the requirements of the duties of the Pioneer team, 17 small teams of the Longchang Municipal Law Pioneer sank 13 towns (streets) and key villages (communities) to carry out prominent work involving hidden risks, publicity of the rule of law, epidemic prevention and control, conflict and dispute mediation, etc. In the epidemic prevention and control, grassroots governance, and maintenance stability, play a positive role.

Focus on hanging bags and help the epidemic prevention and control

The first is to help contact the town and community epidemic prevention and control. The Politics and Law of the Longchang Municipal Party Committee actively fulfilled the responsibilities of the leading units of the town and the "dual report" community leading units, and organized member units to actively participate in the prevention and control of the epidemic. Go to contact with the town of Shuangfeng Town to learn more about the development of the epidemic and face difficulties, and assist in the development of red and yellow -code personnel and the control of home isolation personnel. Combining the creation of civilized cities in the country, organizing the Baobao Lianchuang unit to hold a promotion meeting at Fushun Street, Jinshi Street, and will assist in the presence of creative texts and epidemics. , Management and control of home management personnel, large -scale nucleic acid testing, etc.

The second is to help prevent and control the traffic mount epidemic. High -speed bayonet is an important mark and first line of defense for the "external defense input" of the epidemic prevention and control. The Political and Legal Committee of the Longchang Municipal Party Committee arranged in accordance with the municipal epidemic prevention and control headquarters. Essence Since the beginning of this year, a total of 110 cadres have been sent to the high -speed intersection for more than 10 days.

The third is to help rural rejuvenation to the village epidemic prevention and control. Since the working team of the Political and Legal Committee of the Longchang Municipal Party Committee in the Republic Village of Huangjia Town, since the occurrence of the epidemic in this round, it has actively participated in the prevention and control of the village epidemic, and conducted a shutdown inspection of the two Mahjong pavilions. Village doctors do a good job of nucleic acid testing, assist in the full coverage to investigate the returning villagers outside the city, and successfully resolve the villagers' contradictions and disputes.

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