Notice of Wenjiang District, Chengdu: Orderly restore the order of production and life

Author:Chuanguan News Time:2022.09.10

Kawaguan News reporter Wu Yafei

On September 9, the new type of coronary virus pneumonia in Wenjiang District, Chengdu issued a notice issued. With the joint efforts of all citizens, the prevention and control of the epidemic in Wenjiang District achieved phased results. In order to maintain the difficult and control results of the prevention and control of the heart, the area of ​​the heart of the heart was jointly guarded, and the headquarters of the new crown pneumonia's epidemic prevention and control headquarters was studied. The Wenjiang District is currently restoring the order of production and living in Wenjiang District, and the issues of the epidemic prevention and control are notified as follows.

First, orderly restore the order of production and life. In principle, all citizens hold a 48 -hour kernel detection negative report in the region (employee must hold a 24 -hour kernel acidic acid test negative report for the first time). Enterprises and operating units implement the home office of employees outside the district, and the employees in the district "two points and one line" (unit -residence). Various places and institutions such as institutions, enterprises, institutions, communities (courtyards) strictly implement prevention and control measures such as inspection nucleic acid test reports.

Second, continue to carry out nucleic acid testing. All citizens should pay close attention to the notification of all employees' nucleic acid testing, in accordance with the requirements of the "required inspection should be inspected", and participate in the test in order in order; During the period of not being detected by the entire nucleic acid test, the key industries and the normalized nucleic acid monitoring in accordance with the regulations are strictly implemented in accordance with the regulations, and citizens are "willing to inspect the inspection". The mid -to -high risk zone and home isolation personnel shall be implemented in accordance with relevant prevention and control management regulations.

Third, strictly manage various key places. The bar, KTV, dense room escape, script killing, Internet cafes, gyms, chess and card rooms, bath places, etc. Open and business is suspended. Palace homes, children's welfare houses, supervisors, etc. are implemented in closed management. The place of religious activities is temporarily closed and religious activities are suspended.

Fourth, strict control of staff gathering activities. Persist in gathered activities such as non -gathering, no tie, no offline meetings, training, performances, exhibitions, exhibitions, and square dances. Primary and secondary schools and kindergartens are temporarily returning to school. Elementary and secondary schools have implemented online education, and off -school training institutions have suspended offline training activities. The catering unit suspended the food and provided only the self -picking and takeaway ordering services. It is forbidden to rural dam feasts, red affairs, simplified things, and banquets. Suspension team tourism.

Fifth, comprehensively regulate cross -regional flow management. The current situation of the epidemic situation is still severe and complicated. In order to health and safety, in principle, cross -regional flow is prohibited, and the temperature management is strictly depressed (back), and it is not necessary. Except for the guarantee of life, production, and epidemic prevention, other personnel and vehicles do not go in and out of Wenjiang in principle. The person who needs to be departed from the temperature to detect negative reports through relevant certificates and 24 -hour kernel acid test.

6. Strengthen health monitoring and management. Symptoms such as fever, fatigue, cough, nasal congestion, runny nose, diarrhea, and abnormal smell, and other symptoms should do personal protection and immediately go to the nearest hot kidney consultation. All medical institutions strictly issue popular ruling management. Various clinics prohibit the treatment of fever patients, and retail pharmacies strictly implement the "four types of medicines" management measures. The clinic and pharmacy should take the initiative to guide the heating patients to go to the nearest clinic.

The general public and the public and enterprises and institutions are requested to fulfill the prevention and control obligations of the enterprise and institutions, if they refuse to cooperate with the implementation of prevention and control measures, intentionally conceal the history of risks, the history of contact, and not report to the epidemic dissemination or other serious consequences in accordance with the law shall be investigated in accordance with the law, according to law Corresponding responsibility.

This Tong announcement will be implemented from 00:00 on September 10, 2022, and will be dynamically adjusted according to the needs of the epidemic prevention and control.

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