State Forest Cao Bureau: By 2025, the coverage rate of Chinese village greening will reach 32%

Author:The official account of Xi'an Time:2022.09.10

China National Forestry and Grassland Bureau (National Forestry and Cao Bureau) on the 9th introduced the "Outline of National Land Greening Planning (2022-2030)" (referred to as "Outline") stating that by 2025, the coverage rate of greening in the establishment of Chinese urban construction areas will reach reaching reached 43%, the coverage of village greening reached 32%.

Recently, the National Greening Commission has compiled the "Outline of the National Land and Greening Plan (2022-2030)", which has comprehensively deployed the current and future period of China's land greening. Essence On the 9th, the State Forest Press Bureau held a press conference to introduce the relevant situation of the "Planning".

Zhang Wei, director of the State Forestry and Grassland Bureau Ecological Protection and Repair Division (Office of the National Greening Committee), said that in recent years, China has unswervingly follow the road of ecological priority and green development, and coordinate the promotion of the integrated protection and system governance of landscapes, forests, lakes and sand , To fully implement the forest system, and the work of land greening has achieved significant results. As of 2021, the national forest coverage rate reached 24.02%, the forest accumulation reached 19.493 billion cubic meters. The continuous degradation trend of the grassland has been initially curbed; 300 million acres of sand prevention and sand control, the degree of land desertification and the continuous reduction of wind and sand hazards; the quality and stability of the ecosystem have continued to improve, and the ecological awareness of the whole society has significantly increased.

The "Outline" clarified the main goal of the "14th Five -Year Plan" period (2021 to 2025), planned to complete 500 million acres of land greening such as afforestation grass, and the area of ​​sandy land of 100 million acres. The green coverage rate of urban construction areas reached 43%, and the village green coverage rate reached 32%. The ecosystem solid carbon capacity has been further enhanced, the effect of ecological security barriers has been significantly played, and the urban and rural living environment has improved significantly. By 2030, the quality and stability of the natural ecosystem will continue to improve, the treatment of sandy land and soil loss has been steadily advanced, the increase in carbon exchange increase in ecosystems has increased significantly, the supply capacity of ecological products has increased significantly, the national ecological security barrier is stronger, the ecological conditions continue to improve Essence

For measures to further enhance urban and rural greening, Zhang Wei said that the "Outline" clearly states that it is necessary to promote the construction of beautiful livable urban and rural construction, continue to carry out demonstration creation of forest cities and garden cities, and strengthen the protection management of ancient trees. Tree. Strengthen the construction of the green channel network, carry out the greening along the water conservancy project, the greening around the river and lake banks, strengthen the construction of farmland protective forests, and innovate to carry out voluntary trees for the whole people. (Finish)

Source: China News Network

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