Before the Mid -Autumn Festival, my country found the new Moon "Chang'e Stone"

Author:Study legion Time:2022.09.10

September 9th

On the eve of the Mid -Autumn Festival of traditional Chinese festivals

National Space Administration, National Atomic Energy Agency

Release the latest scientific achievements in Chang'e 5

Chinese scientists found new minerals on the moon for the first time

And named "Chang'e Stone"

This is obtained by my country in the field of space science

A major scientific achievement

It is also a cross -industry and cross -professional cooperation between nuclear and space

Explore strong exploration at a time

What does "Chang'e Stone" look like?

What is the main ingredient?

In addition to Chang'e stone, what kind of substances are there in the moon soil?

How is the moon soil different from the earth soil?

Look at the "Chang'e Stone" real granules three -dimensional map

"Chang'e Stone" is a kind of phosphate mineral, which is columnar crystal, which exists in the moon's basalt granules. Innovation team of China Nuclear Group Nuclear Industry Beijing Geological Research Institute, through a series of high -tech means such as X -ray diffraction, in the 140,000 month sample particles, a single -crystal particles with a size of about 10 microns are separated and successfully interpreted Its crystal structure.

The International Mineral Society (IMA) New Mineral Classification and Naming Committee (CNMNC) voted for voting, which was confirmed to be a new mineral.

The mineral is the sixth new mineral found on the moon, and my country has become the third country in the world to discover new minerals in the moon.

△ Moon sample microscopy photo

△ The red frame is found to be "Chang'e Stone"

Netizens have begun to look forward to "Jade Rabbit Stone"

This Mid -Autumn Festival is very meaningful

This Mid -Autumn Festival gift from the moon

Carrying "home" from Chang'e 5

On December 17, 2020, Chang'e 5 carried 1731 grams of moon samples to the earth. The National Space Administration has completed four batches of 152 copies of 53625.7mg of lunar sample distribution, and 98 applicants from 33 scientific research units have applied for. The fifth batch of moon samples are completing the review, and subsequent issues are issued. Many units such as the Chinese Academy of Sciences, the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Natural Resources, and the China Nuclear Group have been approved to undertake the research of the moon samples, and foreign scientists and international students have also participated in joint research.

At present, the latest results have been achieved in the aspects of magma different, space weathering, 氦3 gases, and biological energy transformation.The support system has important enlightenment.Author 丨 PLA reporter Anpo Zhong and Wang Lingshuo

Source 丨 Learning Legion (ID: xuexijuntuan), CCTV News, China Aerospace News

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