Video | Take the shoulder as a bridge, we are the road

Author:Yangcheng Evening News Yangche Time:2022.09.10

On the afternoon of September 8th, the Sichuan Ya'an Firefighters Indexes were transferred to the villagers in Yuejin Village, Yanxian County to the resettlement point of the patriotic village.Among the villagers, there was a paralyzed old man in his 70s.The rescue team was unable to pass through the mountain interrupted mountains. The firefighters did not hesitate to lay on the ground with their bodies "built" a "bridge".On the 7th, the Armed Police officers and soldiers sent 371 pieces of instant noodles and 95 pieces of milk, 1,000 catties rice and 30 tents to more than 1,400 villagers in Mosizigou Village and rescued two injured villagers.When they left, the people sent hot meals.

Source | Yangcheng Evening News · Yangcheng School CCTV News

Video | Zhang Huixin

Responsible editor | Mai Yuheng

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