Sun Shaozheng visited and condolences to retired teachers Luo Liao Fu wishes the major teachers in the district a happy holiday

Author:Inner Mongolia Daily Time:2022.09.10

On the occasion of the thirty -eighth Teacher's Day, on September 9th, Sun Shaozheng, the party secretary of the autonomous region, cordially visited and condolences to Luo Liao Fu, a retired teacher at Inner Mongolia University.

On September 9th, Sun Shaoyu, the party secretary of the autonomous region, visited Luo Liaochao, a retired teacher of Inner Mongolia University. Reporter Yuan Yonghong Photo

Professor Luo Liao Fu, 87, is a well -known theoretical physicist and theoretical biophysicist in my country. At 9 am, Sun Shaozheng came to Luo Liao Fu's house and saw the old professor Hong Guanghuan's face and spiritual spirit. He was very happy. Sun Shaozheng said that Teacher's Day is coming. On behalf of the Autonomous Region Party Committee and Government, we will visit you and extend their festive blessings and sincere greetings to the teachers and educators of the district. You are a high -profile old gentleman who has taken root in the frontiers for more than 60 years. After retirement, we still adhere to the front line of scientific research and teaching. I sincerely thank you for your contribution to the education and research of the autonomous region. Sun Shaozheng humbly asked the old professor's opinions and suggestions on education and schooling, and asked about his physical condition and living situation. He told the relevant parties to take care of the lives of the elderly and wish the elderly healthy and longevity.

After leaving Professor Luo Liao Fu's house, Sun Shaozhen told the responsible comrades of the relevant parties that teachers are the foundation of the establishment of teaching. The gap between us and the developed regions is at the level of talents and teachers. In the whole society, vigorously promote the good customs of respecting teachers and teachers.

Yu Lixin, member of the Standing Committee of the Party Committee and Secretary -General of the Autonomous Region, participated in the event. (Reporter Liu Xiaodong)

Source: grassland all media

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