The Mid -Autumn Festival reunion, the epidemic prevention must be complete!In addition to the moon appreciation, you need to do this well

Author:Changjiang Daily Time:2022.09.10

The Yangtze River Daily Da Wuhan Client September 10th (Reporter Jiang Mengqing Correspondent He Qiong) The Mid -Autumn Festival is reunited. In addition to eating moon cakes, the moon watching is also essential. Especially this year's Mid -Autumn Festival is full of full moon, which is really "fifteen of the fifteen fifteen. The fifteen circle of the moon ". According to the China Meteorological Bureau, the most round time of the moon was 17:59 on September 10 (August 15th of the lunar calendar). Yan Youqin, Dean of the Seventh Hospital of Wuhan City and Director of the Infertility Department, reminds the friends of the general public: Do not relax while enjoying the Mid -Autumn Festival holiday. Remember to take epidemic prevention measures.

1. Tour the nearby, go to the peak line

In view of the current situation of the epidemic, it is recommended to travel near the peak to avoid the peak period of popular attractions or attractions. Prepare masks, hand disinfectants and other items before traveling. Special groups such as elderly people, patients with chronic diseases, and pregnant women try to avoid travel.

2. Restriction of passenger flow, make an appointment first

During the prevention and control of the epidemic, some scenic spots of the moon may restrict tourist traffic. Before travel, please pay attention to the appointment information in advance and plan the itinerary reasonably.

3. Test "dual code" and test temperature

Actively cooperate with body temperature testing, verifying health code and stroke cards.

4. Wearing a mask, keep in mind

To go out and play with the moon, we must wear a disposable medical mask throughout the process. If the mask is humid or pollution, the mask must be replaced in time.

5, 1 meter line, less gathering

When queuing, dining, watching the moon, and watching performances, pay attention to maintaining a safe distance, staying in areas with large people, and avoiding people gathering. Reduce the use of cable cars, cruise ships, and battery cars. If you need to use it, you need to take a section to maintain a safe distance.

6. Wash your hands frequently and talk about hygiene

【Edit: Zhao Ke】

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