Civilized tourism is full of wind, tourists and volunteers do this

Author:Changjiang Daily Time:2022.09.10

The Yangtze River Daily Da Wuhan client on September 10th "Hello, please show your health and itinerary." "Hello, please wear a mask." On September 10, at the entrance of the East Lake Greenway, "Volunteer Red" The figure is very eye -catching, and the volunteers in red vests are busy, and the warm -hearted service makes tourists like spring breeze. On the day of the Mid -Autumn Festival, a reporter from the Yangtze River Daily visited the East Lake of Wuhan and found that multiple scenic spots added volunteer service teams to provide tourists with services such as epidemic prevention verification, guide explanation of tour guides, and civilized tourism guidance.

In Wuhan Happy Valley, the staff guided tourists to enter the park in an orderly manner.

At 10 am, the East Lake Greenway ushered in the peak of people's flow, and the "red vests" were waiting here. Consciously show the health code, line up into the park, the garbage into the bin ... Visitors consciously abide by the order of civilization, so that the "red vest" under the sun feels refreshing. The staff of the Donghu Cultural Tourism Company told reporters: "In addition to adding volunteers to the entrance to assist the epidemic prevention verification work, the patrol team also expands the patrol team, advocates tourists civilized tourism, does not throw garbage, cares about the environment of tourists, and solve problems for tourists. "

At the entrance of the East Lake Greenway, the "Red vest" volunteer guided tourists to scan the code into the park.

"Hello, tourists who have already purchased tickets can go here, and you can swipe the code directly." At the gate of Happy Valley in Wuhan, tourists lined up the "Long Dragon", and the staff Xiao Yun reminded everyone to enter the park in an orderly manner to answer questions for tourists Essence "The park strictly enforces the epidemic prevention" six must -check "work, and the public areas in the park eliminate and disinfect diligence, and the amusement project will be disinfected once after every round of tourists." Volunteers and service staff can provide tourists with better services. "

Wuhan Happy Valley staff provides visitors with intimate services.

During the Mid -Autumn Festival, the newly upgraded Listening Scenic Area met with tourists. Listening to the ecology of Tao Tao's ecology, a row of wooden lounge chairs built according to the terrain was praised by many tourists. Visitors Li Yu's family resting and chatting in the lounge chair area. After the child finished eating fruit snacks, he consciously threw the peel crumbs into the garbage bag that was carried. "We usually bring their own garbage bags to facilitate the cleanup of garbage such as beverage bottles and food residues. While protecting the environment, we can relieve the pressure of cleaning." Li Yu said.

At the East Lake Miao Xiangyuxiang Tea Restaurant, the waiter reminded tourists to order in moderation.

At noon, the reporter saw at the East Lake Miaoyu Yixiang Tea Restaurant that the promotional table with the words "not leftover, no leftovers" was placed on the dining table, and the manager Zhang Lu was guiding the guests to order in moderation. Zhang Lu said: "When ordering, each waiter will remind tourists to order in moderation and practice 'CD -ROM Action'. When encountering a table with leftovers, we will remind tourists to pack and reduce food waste."

The persistence of volunteers and staff has built a civilized tourist landscape for the East Lake, and their figures and tourists' civilization moves each other. "Each of our tourists should start with ourselves, start with details, create a healthy and comfortable tourist environment together, and jointly polish the beautiful business card of 'civilized tourism'." Mr. Liu said.

(Reporter correspondent Peng Chong Wang Yang Zhou Yanjia)

【Edit: Zhao Ke】

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