"Good guests in Shandong Shandong", "golden signboard" shines Qilu's new and wonderful

Author:Decheng District Rong Media Ce Time:2022.09.10

[Lightning Comment] On September 8th, the promotion of "Her Hakka Shandong Shandong" was held in Beijing. Gathering Qilu boutiques and forging color brands, "good product Shandong" covers Shandong old names that represent excellent traditional culture, covering high -quality agricultural products produced by large agricultural provinces. Medical Device- "Good guest Shandong Haopin Shandong" how to highlight the brand strength, innovation, recognition and reputation?

In the "timeline" of development, the "heart path" of brand forging is pursuing. Looking back at the 2022 Shandong Province "China Brand Day" event held in July, the "Good Pin Shandong" brand interpretation was conducted at the event site, and the policy interpretation of the "Fourteenth Five -Year" quality development plan of Shandong Province was released. The brand enterprise cultivation list, launched the second "Good Pin Shandong" brand story contest, showing the effectiveness of Shandong quality infrastructure collaborative services. In March of this year, the Shandong Provincial Government News Office held a press conference to release the first batch of 223 "Good Pin Shandong" brand list to create a "golden signboard" to enhance the in -depth spread of Shandong's brand image. This not only shows the specific ideas of optimizing the supply and expanding domestic demand in Shandong, but also shows specific measures to conform to the trend of consumption upgrade and upgrade traditional consumption.

Forge "hard power" in innovation and forge "new wonderful" during upgrading. As of now, Shandong has 31,600 manufacturing enterprises above designated size, 5 companies on the list of Fortune 500, and 76 companies are on the top 500 Chinese manufacturing; The number ranks second in the country; the manufacturing innovation centers of advanced printing and dyeing and high -end intelligent home appliances have been successfully created. first place.

In recent years, Shandong has opened the national regional brand construction model of "Good Pin Shandong", and has expanded the scope of regional brand construction from an industry or field to the entire industry and the entire industry, which promotes more brands to international. "Good Pin Shandong" will pursue the quality of product quality as the highest pursuit of the brand, not only showing the determination and perseverance aiming at the cutting -edge science and technology innovation, but also the scientific ideas of inheriting tradition and innovation and development.

If it is said that "Qilu Lingxiu, the talents are good" interpret the tradition of Shandong from a historical and cultural perspective, the "good product Shandong" of the new era is designed to create a high -quality Shandong "new business card". Shandong enterprises have interpreted the cultural connotation of integrity, kindness, responsibility, diligence, and wisdom of "good product Shandong". From the top -level design to the entire industry chain, "Good Pin Shandong" condenses an important role in the development of the country's agricultural and manufacturing development. The brand reputation and brand competitiveness have been continuously improved. Many industries have become regions with strong competitiveness. brand.

Innovation is before, looking forward to the "new prospects" of high -quality development. Shandong will unswervingly strengthen scientific and technological innovation, overcome a number of innovative technologies, build a number of innovation platforms, strengthen a number of innovative enterprises, and introduce a number of innovative talents. Continuously reached a good situation of a new level. At the Beijing Winter Olympics, the first domestic snow wax car was unveiled, and many units and enterprises in Shandong cooperated to achieve a breakthrough from concept, design to manufacturing and offline in just one year; At the conference, Weichai Group demonstrated the world's leading engine ... From the heavy power of the great power to the clothing, food, housing, and food, Shandong's "good product" continued to break through the stuck neck technology, and the core competitiveness of the strong and strong core.

The Twelfth Party Congress report of the province proposes that strengthening standards and leadership, accelerating strong construction quality provinces and brands, and further launched the "good product Shandong" brand. To the future, the casting is wonderful, the brand of "Heroy Shandong" and "Good Pin Shandong" is even more loud, which not only reflects the cultural heritage of Shandong's innovation and responsibility, but also shows that Shandong anchor the "walk ahead and open a new bureau". With the hard power of improving and innovative, the humanistic background of improving and innovation, and the humanistic background of benevolence and integrity, Shandong will continue to create a new situation in modernization and strong provinces and create a "Shandong sample" for the construction of a strong country. (Text/Luo Ning)

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Decheng District Rong Media Center

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