In Yancheng, open n ways of "Mid -Autumn Festival" ...

Author:Yancheng Published Time:2022.09.11

Mooncake Festival

The moon is complete, symbolizing reunion

One year's moonlight is the lowest night

When you are rewarded by thousands of people

Home and reunion are the core themes of the Mid -Autumn Festival culture to carry forward the exciting activities of our festival culture Yancheng scenic spots and venues to allow citizens to experience the strong festive atmosphere while taste the charm of traditional culture, enjoy the holidays

"Technology"+"Performing Arts", keep music

There are many ways to reunite

In Yancheng

Open a different way to celebrate

The performance is constant, the characteristic performing arts continue all day

Science and technology blessing to create night beauty

Make you happy "home"

China Begonia Garden

Ocean Bay

1072 " /> 1072" data Museum

Dutch Huahai

Dongtai Xixi

Yanzhen Water Street

Golden years

Unlock n reunion methods

A glorious firework

An interesting experience once

A warm party at once

A wonderful festival

In Yancheng's major scenic spots

There are n way to open Mid -Autumn Festival

Andersen's Fairy Family

Dajie Lake

Yellow Sea Forest Park

Dutch Huahai

Dongtai Xixi

Ocean Bay


Passing the ancient ritual reunion

Learn ancient ceremony, worship the moon god, cinnabar Qi Zhizhi ...

Experience ancient Mid -Autumn Festival customs

Taste the ancients of the ancients

Pass a windy Mid -Autumn Festival, ancient rhyme Mid -Autumn Festival

Feel the charm of traditional festivals


Xixi Tianxianyuan

Dajie Lake

Zhuxi Ancient Town

The sense of ritual "full"

Yancheng, interesting Mid -Autumn Festival

Our city has launched a variety of colorful

Holiday cultural theme activity

Traditional cuisine, experience traditional handicrafts ...

Full the sense of ritual and atmosphere


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Anfeng Ancient Town

Ocean Bay

Dan Dinghe Wetland Ecological Tourist Area

Sea salt museum

City culture museum

City library


Don't go too far

Yancheng people's door

There are also "poems and far away" you want

Enjoy the holidays ~

Source: Yancheng released comprehensive collation

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