It has been clear, postponed!

Author:Jiangnan Metropolis Daily Time:2022.09.11

On the 9th, the China Field Association website issued a notice on the extension of the 2022 National Track and Field Championship, announcing that the National Track and Field Championships in 2022 was postponed due to the epidemic.The notice stated that recently, the national new crown pneumonia's epidemic prevention and control situation was severe, and the risk of spreading the epidemic was greater.In order to ensure the health and safety of the participating teams and reduce the risk of epidemic dissemination, after the opinions of the organizer of the competition organized by our association, we decided that the 2022 National Track and Field Championships, which was scheduled to be scheduled to be September 16th, 2022 from September 16th to 18th, 2022.Extension is held, and the specific time will be notified separately.

Source: China News Network Duty Class Editor: Yanjia Value Class: Jinlu Yao Dight Editorial Committee: Huang Lianwen

More news in Nanchang One Supermarket to stop business!Sad!Drunk driving just now!Attack the police!Double!

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