The Chengdu Clinical Examination Center is enabled again, with a maximum test volume of 500,000 single management in 24 hours

Author:Red Star News Time:2022.09.11

Faced with the "August 25" local epidemic and complex epidemic prevention and control situation in Chengdu, the Chengdu Clinical Examination Center was opened again, becoming the backbone of the virus.

In order to improve the nucleic acid testing capacity of Chengdu and ensure the safety and safety of urban public health, the Chengdu Municipal Party Committee and the Municipal Government decisively decided. Central construction project. From the time of project planning, design, construction, and acceptance, it takes only two months to run, that is, the clinical inspection centers that are in the forefront of this scale and volume have been built -covering an area of ​​more than 6,000 square meters and a maximum test volume of 400,000 in 24 hours. Single-tube.

Faced with the "August 25" local epidemic situation in Chengdu, the Municipal Inspection Center quickly established a team to put in the epidemic prevention and control. On August 26, the city's first batch of more than 180 medical personnel to work in the center had worked in the center. As of September 4, a total of nearly a thousand medical staff gathered here to concentrate on fighting.

The continuous "Chengdu speed" comes from the in -depth control of every detail.

Taking the scanning nucleic acid detection tube barcode as an example, the habit of operation is to enter the test tube to enter the scanner to enter. For this action that everyone is accustomed to, the team of Chengdu Third People's Hospital discovered the problem -everyone has different habits and action routes from taking the pipe to scanning, which may lead to the difference in the length of consumption. In response to this issue, the city's third hospital team launched repeated experiments, and finally obtained a method that could complete the scanning entry more quickly -the handheld scanner approached the test tube one by one. In order to ensure the unity of the operation action, the Municipal Third Hospital made the innovative operation process into a video for testing personnel training, standardized everyone's operation, and then realized the standardization and homogeneity of entering the work.

Chengdu Clinical Examination Center completes the method of scanning in quickly -the handheld scanner approaches the test tube one by one

"From the establishment of the center to the investment, we are constantly summing up our experience." Xu Junbo, secretary of the party committee of the Third Hospital of the Municipal Hospital, said that based on continuous self -evolution, a set of fast, scientific and accurate standardization experience has been established. The operation mode of the center has been well received by competent departments, teams of experts, and brothers inside and outside the province. "

Red Star reporter Wang Tuo Photography reporter Tang Wenqi

Editor Li Xueli

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