When I cook, I tied the twins to my waist. My daughter: I did not expect that my mother worked so hard when cooking

Author:Pole news Time:2022.09.11

Jimu Journalist Liu Yi Cao Xuejiao

On September 9, Ms. Su Shizhuang, Hebei, released a video saying that after she went home, she saw her mother cooking in the kitchen, and tied her twins to her waist. When your family cooks, you have to worry about grandson while cooking. On the 11th, Ms. Yang, the child, told Jimu Journalists that she wanted her family to go home to eat hot meals, but the two grandson had climbed the table before and was fell before she thought of this method.

Video screenshot

The video showed that Ms. Yang tied a pair of twins to her waist with cloth strips. She cooks in the kitchen, and the two little grandsons stood at the kitchen door to eat snacks. Ms. Su said in the video text: "You always say that let me go, it turns out that every meal I don't have at home is made."

On September 11, Ms. Su told Jimu Journalists that on the afternoon of the 9th, she went out to work and went home to see such a scene.

Ms. Su introduced that their husbands and wives live in Shijiazhuang, Hebei, and the children and grandma are in the field. It is inconvenient to come. Her father wants to go to work, so after the birth of the twin son, her mother has always helped her to bring her children. Sometimes she wants to go out. When doing things, only her mother was leaving her mother to look at the child. Now the two children are 1 year old and 11 months old, which is a relatively naughty age.

"Every time she let me rest assured, when I finish the business, my mother has already made meals at home, but I first know that she cooks for the first time." Ms. Su said, she feels like she feels I'm sorry for her mother. The mother was at the age of being blessed, and now she has to help her take care of her two sons.

Ms. Su's mother, Ms. Yang said that the two grandson sometimes naughty, one did not look at it, either climbing to the sofa, bed, or climbing to the table along the chair. Before, a little guy fell from the table. The family members are nervous. She hoped that her daughter and son -in -law would be able to eat hot rice after a day of busyness, so she thought about this method. Because I was afraid that my daughter was thinking about the house when I went out, I had never told my daughter how I cared about my grandson while cooking.

"When the daughter -in -law was at home, she always rushed to work and brought her children." Ms. Yang said that her daughter felt that she was very hard and distressed. In fact, she grew up watching the two grandchildren every day and was very happy.

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