Mid -Autumn Festival holiday | Tai'an: Persist in the front line to prevent "input"

Author:Qilu.com Time:2022.09.12

Qilu.com · Lightning News, September 12th, as an important part of the "external defense input" of the epidemic prevention and control, the high -speed intersection is the first line of defense. At the entrance and exit of Tai'an Station at the Laiai Expressway, the reporter saw that the staff increased the inspection of the test results of the travel code, health code and nucleic acid test results of the vehicle, and registered for the information of the Zhongzhong Risk Zone to enter the Thailand personnel.

Shi Yuehua, a staff member of the Taishan District Transportation Bureau Taianlaitai Toll Station epidemic, told reporters: "There are more than 8,000 vehicles per day, more than 400 trucks, and 150 vehicles outside the province. The first line of defense of not leaking a car or one person 'to resolutely keep the epidemic prevention and control.

Lightning News reporter Wang Zixiang Tai'an Taisteng Wang Shiteng Zhang Chen Tai'an reported

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